Reviews for Journal of Jane
r1965rd chapter 3 . 1/5
Jane really does wear rose colored glasses when it comes to her family. Her loud,vulgar mother and baby sister Lydia in particular.
Colleen S chapter 1 . 12/29/2019
Jansfamily4 chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
It's good to see you back. It will be sad to see just how heartbroken Jane will be when Bingley leaves her. The RAT!
Laina Lee chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
Good for you to pick this up again! Because we are getting Jane's POV, it would be nice if we get some thoughts from her that show us things that we didn't know about in Pride and Prejudice. For example, was there any interaction between Jane and Bingley that he should have taken as an indication of her interest or did she ever have a discussion with Lydia about all her flirting?
nanciellen chapter 3 . 12/26/2019
Great chapter. Your version of Jane is perfect. Thank you.
nanciellen chapter 2 . 12/26/2019
I am enjoying this. Thank you.
nanciellen chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
I love this idea for a story. Jane is a wonderful character. My favorite characterizations are of Lydia and Mrs. Bennet. Also, Kitty and Lydia being almost like twins are terrific. Thank you. Best wishes for the holiday season and may 2020 be the best year yet!
gabyhyatt chapter 1 . 12/25/2019
Great fic. Please continue
Jansfamily4 chapter 1 . 10/18/2017
Whenever I have tried to keep a journal... B...o...r...I..n...g. Lol I give it up after a couple days. Nobody cares not even me. But this should be entertaining. Thank you
Gaskellian chapter 2 . 10/16/2017
I can't wait to see Jane's take on the ball and Mr. Wickham. We have Lizzy's perspective but we all know that she's a bit sarcastic and cynical. (Not to mention her negative opinion of Mr. D!)
Gaskellian chapter 1 . 10/16/2017
Nice beginning. You went with the more serene blue for Jane's diary and red, a fiery, rather opinionated color, for Elizabeth? Good choice.

Thus far, this does sound rather Jane-like.
NYT chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Sorry, I hate signing in...

What a neat and I think unique idea. While I'm not a "fan" of Jane, I would love to read her reactions to the events of P&P, especially Charles Bingley's return and Caroline's lies of omission. One note, since you mentioned the story is canon compliant: Jane and Elizabeth are approximately 2 yrs apart. It's mentioned that Jane is nearing 23 and Elizabeth is established as being about 20. Mary is one year younger than Elizabeth, Kitty 2 yrs younger than marry and Lydia 2 yrs below Kitty (all of their ages are mentioned or alluded to at some point).

At any rate, I do hope you keep writing this.
pigtails913 chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Huh. This has potential. It's an interesting premise, as there are very few (if any) stories of P&P from Jane's point of view. (Or at least, I haven't seen many and I've been reading for YEARS.) You're doing a great job so far keeping in character with Jane, not having a bad thing to say about anyone, even with her description of her youngest sisters.
Pegeen chapter 1 . 10/13/2017
Just chanced on this charming piece. Very nicely written in J A style. I believe however Mrs. Bennett's father
was a lawyer.