Reviews for Reaching Higher
Lionheart261 chapter 35 . 3/3/2019
Read through all of the chapters basically in one sitting, and I gotta say: why does this not have more favorites/follows? Like, seriously, this is some good stuff right here.

Kaori as a character is evidently flawed while still remaining likable, and it's nice seeing some other UA students getting the spotlight, especially Mina and Momo. Ntm the broader story involving her father, Blink, and Juggler/Puppet Master has been really engaging thus far. The writing itself is also very descriptive and engaging, although I did notice a few run on sentences here and there in the early chapters.

Regarding this chapter, though, I'm interested to see what she's come up with as far as Super Moves go. I'm going to guess that one of them, the one paying homage to her pops, is her earlier projection arm technique hiked up to immense proportions, with every part of her body being projected outward in a giant form and moving collectively so that she's basically piloting a giant suit of armor. Wondering what the name will be: "Shining Colossus," maybe? Or perhaps something relating to Bastion?

In any event, I'm interested to see how this story develops further. Keep up the good work!
fencer29 chapter 35 . 3/3/2019
I believe Pixie Bob is the one who can create earthen creatures. Ragdoll's quirk was "Search".

I'm surprised that anyone was able to escape Hatsume's clutches without having at least one of her "babies" forced onto them.
fencer29 chapter 34 . 2/9/2019
"...keep the notes in a place that her mother wouldn't accidentally find them." You mean like under her bed (fabled hiding place for every teenage boy's stash of dirty magazines)? Because that always works soooo well.
fencer29 chapter 33 . 1/17/2019
Nice job using the events from canon to influence Kaori's development, as opposed to the other way around.

I wonder how long it will take for the rest of the class to hear that the sight of All Might standing alone as he battled AFO brought back memories of her own father's death (I should probably go back and remind myself if she's ever discussed him with her classmates). Of course some of the details, such as the fact that her father's killer is somehow involved with all of this, should probably remain a secret (at least until she's ready to discuss it).
fencer29 chapter 32 . 12/15/2018
Okay, I suppose it might have been a little too much to expect for Kaori to remain unconscious (and therefore uninvolved) throughout the entire aftermath of the summer training camp. Just try not to let her get so involved that she alters the main story line (after all, she has her own storyline to deal with, which I'd say you worked rather well into the raid on the summer training camp without altering the main storyline events which were going on at the time). And she can be forgiven for being terrified of All-For-One - anyone who knows who can sense his aura (or otherwise knows who he is) should be terrified.
Naruffoku chapter 8 . 11/30/2018
Why is she using her quirk in the windiest way possible? She should really just smash jirou and kaminari but instead she just tries to wrap them? Sounds stupid to me
Naruffoku chapter 5 . 11/29/2018
The longer a bout the more loose you should be right? I think that if someone had enough ferocity, they could make her freeze up, but if you’re just prolonging something, it’s going to be less oppressive as you get used to it
Mary chapter 26 . 9/9/2018
Great chapter! I'm glad your OC doesn't take over every single major canon event. That can be very annoying in typical OC-centric fics, so this makes a nice change. Miss very easy to follow, and I love your OC. Great story!
JehovahReigns chapter 24 . 8/13/2018
Keep writing please. I enjoy this very much especially this newest chapter with the quirk applications. Looking forward to more. God Bless
fencer29 chapter 22 . 7/14/2018
For what it's worth I think your choice to not insert your OC (Kaori) into the middle of everything that happened in Hosu that night was wise. Too often when people insert an OC into a canon storyline they end up simply retelling the original story with the only change being the addition of their OC. Having Kaori sleep through all that was going on elsewhere allows you to concentrate more on telling your story, while using canon events involving her classmates as background (of course on the downside of all this is that she, like most of her classmates, will remain ignorant about what REALLY happened in that back alley in Hosu).
Scarease chapter 21 . 7/13/2018
Kind remind of My Oc Revenant Force his ability to project Type force that allow him grab ,throw ,lift ,block ,crush ,slash or pull .Draw back that it drains his mental energy making so he can pass out mental Was inspire by Dragon Age Revanent.

Canada Day ?What that holiday about ?
fencer29 chapter 21 . 7/5/2018
Nice combat action scene - detailed enough to envision everything that was happening, but not too drawn out. Also nice connection to her past when Kaori momentarily sees her father standing there guarding her in place of Bulkhead (yea, she still has psychological issues to work through in that regard).

As far as "What kind of logic is that?" - were she not passing out from pain, Kaori would probably respond with something like "It's what heroes do." Although the UA teachers might want to work on that whole "their bodies moved before they thought about what they were doing" thing.
Guest chapter 19 . 6/2/2018
Hi! I just started reading this fic (I binged it in about a day lol) and this is my first review.

Amazing chapter! I really liked Ayeka’s character, and the info on Kaori’s father’s death.

Although, I feel like she was being a bit dramatic. And I get that she’s a kid and all, but she wouldn’t have been expelled from UA if she was kicked out of her internship. And even then, she could still become a Pro even if she failed the internship. Eh...

Anyways, I’m really excited to read the next chapter!
fencer29 chapter 19 . 6/2/2018
Another excellent chapter - maybe not as action packed and exciting as a battle scene, but excellent for character development.
Ceralyn chapter 19 . 6/2/2018
Another great chapter, thanks for sharing!
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