Reviews for Saving Kol
JustHarrySirius chapter 14 . 4/23
I love this story. Thank you for writing it. I hope you're able to write again soon. It has certainly been inspirational-have you ever written to Nate Buzolic? I just did and hopefully he'll send an autograph :-). However, I wouldn't've thought of doing it unless I read some really good FFN. Frankly, I thought he was OK and realized he just needed his own "Always & Forever." I think the Team Kol is the way to go. Hope to read more chapters soon :-). Stay safe and healthy. -JHS.
kittyrsocute chapter 14 . 2/22
*pouts* Are you coming back soon? This is really awesome and I am excited to read about Marcel getting his ass beat...
dragonfox123 chapter 1 . 11/19/2019
Interesting chapter and plot and idea
Guest chapter 4 . 11/2/2019
There is an error in this chapter.

You made Klaus n Kol unable to enter the Salvatore house cos they haven’t been invited in.

This is only true if Elena is still human but she is vampire now. Therefore any vampires can enter that house without invitation the moment Elena died.

So even the deed to the Salvatore House still in Elena’s name from back in S2-3 when she was human in order to prevent other vampires coming inside, this is no longer in effect as she is a vampire in S4, when your story started.

Please check your story to prevent plot holes like this. Thanks for writing.
zsdjk chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
I mean they don't rapidly DIE, they rapidly catch up to the age they were as a vampire. (spoiler: Like how Elena aged a few years when they seperated the cure from her body) I feel like pointing this out was pointless but didn't want to give wrong information jdkdkfokrkf
zsdjk chapter 2 . 10/15/2019
I don't know if anybody pointed out but if you drink to cure you live a normal human life no matter how many old you were as a vampire. If someone drinks the cure from you and cure leaves your body you rapidly age and die. Other than that loving the ficI can't wait to read more of Kol and Talia's intreactions.
jgood27 chapter 14 . 6/24/2019
Love this story and cant wait to read more, please update
Cameron Smith-Mcquillan chapter 14 . 2/28/2019
Im really enjoying the story so far I really hope you finish it
alicia7788 chapter 14 . 2/26/2019
SuperWhoLock1408 chapter 14 . 1/24/2019
Talia is awesome
SakiHanajima1 chapter 8 . 12/30/2018
Nope. Nope. I take it back. Can’t jeep reading this. The Mary Sue of this is SO HIGH! I tried. I really did, it just gets... for lack of better terms... stupid.
Talia’s character is just to much, with the whole back and forth with Kol and the immature temper tantrums and just.. all of it.
I love the whole protector concept, that’s really amazing. But the other characters are OOC.
I just can’t with this anymore...
SakiHanajima1 chapter 3 . 12/30/2018
You know, I usually HATE Mary Sue stories and this is definitely one of them. Yet, the hilarity of it all is making this bearable.
crazyKate92 chapter 14 . 10/15/2018
Great story so far!
crazyKate92 chapter 7 . 10/15/2018
Kol told her he didn’t want her then he gets upset at her. It’s not her fault for reacting like she has. She’s most likely trying to protect herself.
KyraKuran chapter 14 . 7/27/2018
Oh my god. this story is so wonderful! I love it so much. you have potential and I can't wait to see this story updated. it's a new take to the story.
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