Reviews for by deepest night or brightest day (be lovin' you)
illwork4anime chapter 9 . 7/2
Aahh! This is my favorite one you've posted so far! So good! I've read it like 5 times now.
Dances with Willows chapter 11 . 3/2
Dances with Willows chapter 7 . 2/29
I would looooove a longer version of this story.
Dances with Willows chapter 6 . 2/29
I have read this one many times on many different sites. Still absolutely fantastic!
Dances with Willows chapter 1 . 2/28
This one was so good! I have read it before, and I am still just as in love with it as ever.
Raiza-chan chapter 12 . 2/23
Queen E chapter 6 . 11/11/2019
I adored this chapter. Beautifully written.
Lindt Luirae chapter 11 . 8/26/2019
asdfgrtlknkjesbke,enfaek UM. m SCRWAMing.

wow. ok. calming down. wow.

ollia chapter 11 . 8/26/2019
Omg, you’re writing poetry again! Just how do you do it?!
Especially this first paragraph, about Shikamaru seeing Sakura was just wow.
And Sakura is indeed different. Scary. I want more such Sakura. Not scary because she yells loud and punches ground, but scary because of a different aura around her.

I love the plot (or what can be deduced about the plot from the snippets), and I would actually love to know the whole story. Shikamaru discovered something very ugly (what exactly?) about Root and Rookie Nine, sans Naruto and Sasuke, went on to destroy it, right? Just, how? I would love to read the showdown between Rookie Nine and the Root!
Loved how you described Danzo’s fall with girls “taking him apart” and Kiba bringing him as some dead animal... Epic.
Raiza-chan chapter 10 . 5/16/2019
I need more of this in my life. They are too cute together
ollia chapter 6 . 3/27/2019
oh wow this is entire Shikasaku summary in one fic!

I've never thought that they must have had a lot to do with each other when children because of their connection through Ino. Makes sense. I liked the worldbuilding around clan children vs civilian children. And that moment when Shikamaru appeared when Sakura was bullied was epic.
I also never really realized that even if Shippuuden Sakura is probably more powerful than Shikamaru, she was very, very weak as child, so back then their dynamics must have been very different.

I love that: Sakura's neck hurting because of hitai-ite "and all".

And then, their conversation after failed Sasuke retrieval mission was just perfection!

The "friends-to-lovers" is not exactly my trope, but I guess in their case it's inevitable. I loved the confession scene, and then Ino breaking in into the bedroom was fantastic! I loved the idea that everyone is in a bar celebrating their getting together!
ollia chapter 5 . 3/27/2019
The description of accident was spot on - this particular sort of slow motion before the catastrophe happens.
The working of Yin seal were so masterfully described - I never before thought what it really means to go through creation rebirth.
ollia chapter 3 . 3/26/2019
That so just too funny, Shikamaru's train of thought kept me giggling all the time. He is so internally snarky.
I laughed so much at apologizes to the couch and then at "rhubarb". And then I had to imagine this scene with amused Tsunade.
I admire Shikamaru's stoicism when it comes to Ino. One can see those years of experience with dealing with her...
ollia chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
This entire fic is like poetry, all of it! It's so beautiful!
There are so many great phrases that i don't know which ones to pick, I think my favourite would be : Shikamaru's sorrow seeping through the walls.

You've captured Shikaku's attitude as a parent so well - this experiencing emotions of a child stronger than one would experience one's own emotions.

I really liked that it was apparently Sakura who set up the whole thing, and how you made me remember who were her teachers. And my absolute favourite - this arching of eyebrow and Shikaku wondering who learned it from whom!
Nemo122 chapter 9 . 1/23/2019
Really want more from that last one! But I loved all of them! XD
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