Reviews for John's Boys
aut189 chapter 50 . 5/10
That was an emotional ride. I loved the whole book. So good!
Kenyatta.harmon16 chapter 35 . 4/11
Sam knows the truth now.
Kenyatta.harmon16 chapter 28 . 3/27
Bobby is kinda a dick. I know he’s not trying to be but he is.
Regford chapter 50 . 11/1/2019
This story was amazing. You did such a nice job, so please carry on with your work!
Guest chapter 50 . 5/20/2019
I really enjoyed your story. Thank you for writing it!
tcarpenter chapter 50 . 4/14/2019
I really enjoyed this story. I especially liked the Christmas scene at the end.
Syluk chapter 50 . 3/22/2019
Yes, yes, warm fuzzy endings are the best! A good ending for a good story.

Thank you for writing and sharing this story with us. This was such an amazing read, despite some bumps and hiccups (mostly, probably due to my hard to please taste) and I'm glad that you plough through to actually finish it. Kudos for that!

Unfortunately, I don't read stories with OCs, but I'd certainly read another story coming from you starring the canon cast. Good luck with your future writing!
Syluk chapter 46 . 3/22/2019
Winthrop and Jeff?
Syluk chapter 45 . 3/22/2019
Dammit, Dean! xD
Syluk chapter 43 . 3/22/2019
I liked this chapter. The fight was pretty awesome. Still not happy about all the 'running away' business but Dean definitely got some character development in this chapter. Hopefully, it will stick this time :)
Syluk chapter 42 . 3/22/2019
The segment with Lucy kinda threw me for a loop, for a moment I thought the kid Jeff rescued wasn't Dean lol Thank god, he was Dean.
Syluk chapter 41 . 3/20/2019
Also, leaving Diesel alive is such a cheezy and cheap move. It would take a hunter, what, few seconds to put Dean down and chop his head off? Yeah, that wasn't the best twist you could have added. As I said, adding unnecessary drama and prolonging angst is usually not the best way to make the story more interesting. But, well, that's just my opinion. Yours is obviously different and it's your story, so of course, you can do whatever you want with it, I'm just here to enjoy my time reading it.
Syluk chapter 41 . 3/20/2019
Okay. I like your story, I really do, but... the things that keep bugging me piles up, especially these two last chapters. This is my personal opinion though, so don't take it as a flame and don't be offended or discouraged. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate your story or the time and effort you put into it, these are just things that I noticed.

First of all, I liked how you kept characters consistent throughout the story. Dean ran from John and Sam because he was scared, he didn't trust them, and it's understandable. I enjoyed it. His decision in this chapter makes no sense. Any kind of character development he had was thrown right through the window and under the bus. You made him take a step forward and then pushed him back a couple of steps back. I was honestly having a 'wtf?' moment, when he decided to ran away in this chapter. Like... that makes no sense. He knows this is his family know, he trusts them - as much as possible to him - and he doesn't want them to be in any kind of danger. He also is terrified of the vampires and knows that he has no chance to win against them if he loses a surprise element. Dean supposed to be smart kid in this fic, you said that several times, so, again, why he's such a dumbass? John followed and found him dozens time now, why does he still believes that he won't find him? It's just... Adding drama and prolonging angst just for the sake of it is not a way to go. It looked like you've lost your inspiration or something, and were grabbing for straws. It would have made so much more sense if he was indeed kidnapped. Maybe, snagged while the boys were outside playing or had a trip to the city or something. Also, the whole meeting Bobby scene was a real letdown to me. You had such a brilliant opportunity for character development, but completely missed it. Eh.

Now that I think about, all your characters kinda lack development, not just Dean. They are pretty much the same as they were in the beginning of the story. I know that people don't quite change in real life, but this is fiction. Characters that don't change at all becomes boring, the plot becomes predictable, and story becomes stale. There IS some development, but I'd love to read more.

Speaking of characters, let's talk about Castiel. I'm fanfic writer too and I'm self-indulgent to the max, meaning that I add characters I like all the time, even if that doesn't necessarily make sense. The thing is, they have to have some kind of role, do something, add something to the story. Can you sincerely say that Castiel truly adds something important to this story? He's just there. The only relevance he had was during the escape scene. Even then it didn't really matter that much and after that, he lost it altogether. You can remove him from the story and nothing would change. I like him, I really like that you added him, I LOVED that he was adopted into the Winchester family, but I was truly disappointed how he just faded into the background. He's still there, but there is absolutely nothing interesting or important about him. No bonding scene with John which I actually anticipated but got nothing. He's supposed to become his father figure, or, at least, a guardian. But we get only forced relationship which doesn't make much sense. No bonding scene with boys either - you just told us that they clicked together and that was it. Uh, well, I'm not satisfied with that. There is character development? You probably know the saying: show, don't tell. This is a good example of telling and not showing.

To tell you the truth, these last two chapters feel like written by a different person. The writing style seems the same, but the storytelling does not. The twist with two hunters rescuing Dean is a good one, though.
Syluk chapter 40 . 3/19/2019
Hmm, I don't know why, but this chapter feels a bit off, kinda disjointed from the rest of the story. The dream sequence is... odd, for the better word. Especially the last segment. Oh, well.
Syluk chapter 36 . 3/19/2019
Honestly, I scrolled down to see if Dean was really dead. Thank god he wasn't, it would have been a disappointment to drop this fic. I just don't do tragedies, ever.

And I love how Cas was effortlessly adopted into the Winchester family, haha :D
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