Reviews for Enigma
Akurei kitsune chapter 1 . 12/17/2008
i really like your story and can't wait for the next chapter. Also i read one rurouni kenshin fanfiction where kenshin had a multiple personality and went to a new school. his guardian was hiro and he became friends with Sano. Please leave me a message if you know what the fanfiction is. Can't wait for the next chapter.
dumbiee chapter 2 . 10/14/2008
Gahh ... Sano x Kenshin are my favorite coupling in RK. ;w;

I love how perfectly you captured Sano's personality through out the chapters. I could TOTALLY see him doing all the things you made him do, and ... yes ... I have to agree that Kenshin is probably the cutest kid in town. xD

Ohh, I can't wait for you to write more of this. In contrast, however, take your time; rushing things never turned out good. 8D
kim chapter 2 . 5/5/2007
please update soon
RekkaKouyuu chapter 2 . 5/20/2006
please continue
the sacred night chapter 2 . 12/11/2005
lol sano's so cute when he's pathetic...

the vast majority of kenshin/sano fics out there are ooc, but you got both of them right on the money. aoshi too. *begs for a love triangle* i really prefer kenshin/aoshi, but i'll settle for kenshin/sano with a little aoshi on the side lol.
the sacred night chapter 1 . 12/8/2005
actually they didn't seem ooc to me. aoshi wasn't emotional or anything, just matter-of-factly going 'yeah, you have to defeat me. meet me tomorrow.' no big deal. sano was really in character, i thought. although i'm maybe a little afraid you'll get kenshin wrong in the future, you haven't done anything really ooc yet. i'm just afraid you'll make him half adorable kenshin and half sociopathic battousai. don't even get me started on people who don't understand that battousai did everything he did for the good of the people, and was *not* a sociopath. i'm sure you understand that, though, so i'll shut up about it. i'm pulling for kenshin/aoshi myself, but if it must be someone else, i'll still read. you have a flair for capturing an image and handing us a photo in word form.
Kenshin's Soul chapter 2 . 10/9/2005
I love the fic so far. More please? I just reading AU fics - they're so much fun to read.

Keep up the great work!
Chelsea chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
I admire that you are a sicko.

Keep it up,the story is very interesting.
Happiness's Deceit chapter 2 . 5/4/2005
TT: ...Ooh...this seems fun! It's been long, and you haven't updated...

Kai: This is very nice, however. Update if you're going to...we have faith in you!
Ferret Kunoichi chapter 1 . 5/1/2005
I hope you dont have writers block on this story because you should update! Soon!
Deri-deri chapter 2 . 2/28/2005
Please update? I'm really looking forward to your next chapter!
Bennoda4evr chapter 2 . 12/23/2004
That was good!
Hiead not logged in chapter 2 . 2/16/2004
Very nice, though some of Sano's outbursts were unneeded, but don't get me wrong my enjoyment factor was 87(fave #) 5. Please upsate soon, I'll be waiting.
Lethe Seraph chapter 2 . 1/2/2004
Please continue this! It's very well written. ::adds to Favorites::
lotusblossomelf chapter 2 . 12/29/2003
i never understood why i bother to put my email adress... no one ever emails me. -.-' oh well. your story rocks! please continue, kenshin as a pop star? wow, that's new... i can't wait to see how the story goes in later chapters. je ne, and keep writing! kenshin is really dreamy. oh, and don't take that as "she must be a freakin' fan girl that only reads manga for bishounen" cuz it ain't true! i like plot too, and your story has a lot of that, ne? Ja!
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