Reviews for Bathroom Tiles
TolkienScholar chapter 1 . 12/15/2019
This was very sweet and emotional and sad. I liked seeing Soda take care of Pony, and seeing them bond over their fear and worry for Darry. There are quite a few small details that really add to your characterization, like Soda's little joke and the part where Pony is regretting thinking ill of Darry and wishing he was back there being too rough like he used to be. You definitely had me worried; I thought Darry was dead for a while there! I do like the second person/first/second narration, although I think the POV changes could be distinguished a little more clearly. Anyway, nice job!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/30/2018
I love this story. So sad but I loved the bonding.
CapNicholls chapter 1 . 10/24/2017
Oh my WORD I thought Darry DIED at first...whew! I like this! Nice work! :)
MySunnyDisposition chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
Interesting that it's Darry who's been drafted instead of Soda. I like the idea, and it was well written. It was a little confusing the second time the POVs changed, but all in all, it was enjoyable to read. :)
Maymaisy chapter 1 . 10/7/2017

I saw that you favorited my story, thank you! Means a lot :)

LOVED this story. I’ve seen a lot where either Soda or Ponyboy goes to Vietnam but not a lot where Darry does...very original. And I love how you kept it a secret from us until the very end, just built up the shock even more. (At first I thought he was dead)

Great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Loved this! Would love to see one where Darry comes home.
lulusgardenfli chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
I love your writing. :) I loved the little details, the 'cool wooden frame' of the door and the "two wet washcloths.' I could picture the scene so well in my head, but I wasn't overwhelmed or bogged down by details, it was a beautiful balancing act you had going on. :)

I love the second person narration, there is a sense of detachment which is so perfect for this story.

I adore the line about how Soda reminds Pony of Darry.I love that you show the similarities between those two brothers, and poor Pony feeling guilty over the way he treated Darry in the past, even though I'm sure Darry has put all of that behind him.

And to have Darry in Vietnam and Soda comforting Pony assuring him that their brother is going to be okay is a lovely twist.

Beautiful writing. :)
HappierThanMost chapter 1 . 9/24/2017
Alee-this is so sad but so beautiful. I was right there in that bathroom with sick Pony. ;)

You describe sick so well. And I loved when Soda arrives and I was so expecting it to be Darry. And then when Pony was reminded of Darry and its painful? That's when my nerves kicked in. I'm like why? where the heck is Darry?

On another note, I think it's neat to think about Soda coming to visit him at school. And thank goodness he came when he did. I love his line when he finds out he's sick."Looks like we aren't gonna go out and pick up chicks after all" That cracked me up

My favorite part is when Pony wakes up and realizes Darry isn't there. And how much he misses him. How he wishes he could get back all those times of him standing in the doorway. Being "gruff but worried" or "too rough...without meaning to" This is so incredibly sad! And by now I'm really worried about Darry.

And then we find out HE's the one in Vietnam. And I actually like that concept.

I like how you end it in the bathroom. Where you started. In the bathroom. With puking that never comes. But just overall misery and Soda doing his best to comfort and assuring Pony Darry will return.

I loved this one shot Alee! Bravo!