Reviews for 7th Stand user of Yokai
Glavie165 chapter 2 . 5/5/2019
Please do more chapters
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
Is this story abandoned? because it's became interesting to me. I want more
Ugly Braixen chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
Abandoned *sad face*
Guest chapter 1 . 3/12/2019





Guest chapter 2 . 4/4/2018
Dude... This is MIRACLES.
Some of the 7th Stand user's stand are broken, but all the fandom agree on one fact, is that Miracles is the most broken ass Stand to ever exist, and everyone agree that Ultimate Form Kars would get rekt hard story wise. This is a stand, that can influence your body in it's entirety, it is on par with Heaven's Door but better, because HD need to have things writen in a range, not Miracles.

Forcing him to tell things to Kurumu as well is forced, forced as hell man. Like, oh, she is going to tell everyone he is human... after he destroyed her, with his Stand powers. That's dumb.
Kurumu threaten him to tell things ? Miracles can make her not to, simple as that.
Dragon want to breath fire ? Nope. Lungs are locked. Instant death.
Syrens want to attacks you ? Nope, they won't, Miracle can even make their need to be in the water even worse in their mind.
I'm only pointing the most obvious, unbearable headaches, fevers, urges, mass stupidities, the possibilities are endless,
That's also kind of a plot hole because Miracle could have cured Tsukune of his hypnosis easily, but didn't, but eh.
It's honestly kind of boring to see Miracle and it's user participating in those adventure, it's not really fun.

Another problem that I have, is that again, you use Miracles, one of the most interesting stand 7th stand user, those trait of personality for his user is 'basicaly almost alien', the potential is there. We don't need Tsukune or any annoying sub plot like Kurumu. You also don't need to make him kill people... but that, that's you who see his karma level, even though I think it'll be better and more 'Jojo' to just do fights and spare people.
ARSLOTHES chapter 2 . 3/18/2018
really interesing choice of stand, hope you upgrade his stand with acts or make it go requiem to be able to withstand the big bosses of rosario vampire
Split chapter 2 . 3/14/2018
Great chapter, can't wait for your update. I'm kinda curious though, about the stand you featured. Can you give me the bio of that stand, and what reference the stand came from. Thanks
Guest chapter 2 . 3/13/2018
Please update
RedBurningDragon chapter 2 . 3/13/2018
Well hope this means Mizore will pair with Sebun
KingJGamer chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
This is a good story, just wish it didn't take a year to finish chapter 2. It is still good
naz290 chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
I would have liked this story even more if 'The Joykiller' was Sebun's stand but i am not the author so you do this is an interesting story so please continue it
Full Metal Douchebag chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
For some reason I can only imagine Sebun as Bruno.
Nero Angelo Sparda chapter 1 . 9/28/2017
I'm actually a little surprised by the lack of reviews for this. It's well written characters are established, and we have a good idea of Sebun's personality.

You gave him the most broken Stand in the game that would be top tier materiel if it wasn't limited to the game and I understand why. Does he know Hamon? Because you can learn that in the game and if he does know it that's another thing he can add to his multi-tool of survival.

I got to say one thing that I like that you did was that you had Sebun and Moka not like each other, and both of them thinking the worst of them without considering where the other is really comin from and playing the race card. Moka assumes Sebun is racist and in his defense its not without good reason considering the fact that the only vampires that he had ran into are DIO whose been sending people to kill him for months, and Vanilla Ice who I'm assuming killed Avdol and Iggy.

Moment Sebun counters with that her argument is going to crumble and understand why he's killed vampires before.

You also introduced Kurumu early and within reason. Can't really say to much on her.

In all this was a nice find and can't wait to see where it goes next.