Reviews for Forbidden
Rebel.Dream.Tatooine.Ghost chapter 5 . 2/12/2008
loved it.
Flowerlady chapter 5 . 1/20/2007
I really liked this story...

I have to admit the idea of Wedge and Mirax as pair has crossed my mind just as a pairing between Corran and Iella has...(which is really weird because I often pair Valin Horn and Syal Antilles together-LOL)

I liked the build up in the story and I liked the get away...

Great writing.

TheLovingAstronaut chapter 1 . 7/3/2006
My two favorite characters are finally together..Yeah :)
SW Banshee chapter 1 . 3/12/2003
I really loved this fic. So sweet!
Mandy chapter 5 . 3/12/2003
I think your story is wonderful your an extremely good writer I hope you put more up soon see ya!
Aggy chapter 1 . 3/12/2003
Actually, in this story, Wedge is only 19 years old. Before he joined the rebellion. And from the illustrations in the comics showing this time in his life, he was a young man that did fit the "lanky" description. I'll add a note about time frame to this story. Thanks for showing me that there was a problem with the story header! :)
GreatOne chapter 1 . 3/12/2003
Wedge-Lanky and Lean? LOL This woman must be blind! Wedge is short and chubby!