Reviews for Thrown Together
Stubenhocker chapter 1 . 11/3/2018
This was... fine. I think you made Lucy too forgiving here. I mean I understand Natsu did the only way he knew how to cope but Lucy was too kind and I also thought that half of the story was kind of rushed, but those are just my opinion. Other than those, the story was good.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
While the end seemed rushed and crammed together, the previous parts were much smoother and made better sense than the original. Natsu is still a moronic ass, but it's explained better, and Lucy didn't just roll over and be with him right after he did that. I would have liked to see more of the conflict and Natsu trying to redeem himself, maybe seen his realization that he really wanted to be with her.

That being said, what you said in your an was horribly offensive and pissed me off. I have some conservative friends. Just because they have different personal values on sex doesn't make them "skewed". There are a lot more people that have values like that than most people think, but they hide it because they get fucking shamed and judged for it. I'm the only person that one of my conservative friends has ever told that she's a virgin because she's so afraid of the ridicule she knows she'll get because she choses not to have sex. She's 27.

I think you also need to understand exactly why most of us got so angry about Natsu having that last one night stand. There was nothing normal or natural about it. Yes, I understand that he had made that into his coping mechanism, but while the previous one night stands had been perfectly within his rights to do, he was completely in the wrong that last time. Not only had he been using Lucy by kissing her, he was selfishly trying to keep her from having a date when he had just thought to himself that he wasn't going to be in a relationship with her. Then Lucy had to hear it? No, that was not normal, natural, or healthy at all. I'm not saying it had no place in the story. I'm saying that to counter your seeming belief that no one should be angry about that kind of behavior.
FairyTailFan chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
And why is it so unbelievable that Lucy can be pure still ?
Even if she rebelled, this doesn't mean she will live like a slut and sleep around with every men she kind of reasoning is ridiculous. She could have had some boyfriends, yet she didn't. Where's the problem ? and some people should read the last notes : it's a one-shot, not a multi-chapter. So you don't need to wait for a second chapter.
To the author, thanks for this story ! I enjoyed it ! I wanted to strangle Natsu when he brought another woman home but everything turned out right, and it ended well.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/29/2018
Ah, no, not another chapter.

Kind of a shame, I would have liked to read more of this story. You know, see the resolution play out a little longer. It just seemed to happen with the time skips at the end there.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
Fuck I hate my phone.

Any way, as I was trying to say before my phone decided to post the comment before it was even finished...

Yes, Natsu is 27. Of course he has had sex before, and even one night stands. So why would I be mad at him for that. And as for the girl he was with after Lucy moved in, that was because of the character you wrote. He has issues and deals with things by drinking. He realised he messed up and that he needs to do something about it. A resolution to the potential conflict of the story. There is apparently another chapter so we'll see what happens there.

No, what got me is that while it is apparently perfectly normal for Natsu to get some loving, Lucy, it seems, is a virgin, like nearly every other fanfic out there. Apparently it's not okay for her to get a little love. "You took my first kiss."

So unless she has had sex before but just never been kissed, which would be odd, then we once again have the double standard of the guy having gotten heaps of p****, and the girl being a freakin virgin. Because apparently the female protag of a story has to be "pure" and have saved herself for her "true love", so that all the young girls out there can be reminded of what is actually expected of them and not what people claim is fine. Which is that women should wait until marriage but guys can whore around all they want.

Get f***** with that bull shit, society.

So yeah, that's what got me, and that's what confused me in your AN. And no, her upbringing does not justify it. She left her father years ago, and would be wanting to rebel as well. So unless you can make it work here, it doesn't fit.

I tried to make this not so ranty. And I just want it clear that I am not mad at you. I am not wanting to make you feel bad and I am not having a go at you, though my sass has come through a bit and so it may seem that way, please know I am not mad at you. A little confused maybe. This is not a you issue, this is an issue that is rife in all literature, not just Fairy Tail fics, and not just all fandoms' fics, but even in published literature. It's just a perplexing situation.
SapphiRubyCrys chapter 1 . 6/15/2018
Your authour note at the end was very insightful. I completely agree. Life and ppl have their own ups and downs and we deal with them. Nice story. chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
Here i had thought that another chapter had been magically created. *sulk* but i did just have to read this entire story all over again since i was here anyways. I loved it just as much as i did the first time chapter 6 . 4/27/2018
Oh im so sad. I was totally digging this story. But ya cant help it when you hit that block. It sucks. Just know if ya ever decode to pick it up again i’ll be the first to read it
KatanaNoNeko chapter 6 . 4/13/2018
The preview is intriguing, but I'd like to point out one little grammar thing: when you write "Heartfilia" or any other surname plural, you don't put an apostrophe. It's just "Heartfilias".
estenxavier97 chapter 6 . 4/13/2018
that's unfortunate, but understandable. gotta have your heart in it.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/13/2018
What happens next? Please tell me Natsu gets what's coming to him for being such a manwhore asswipe. Lucy should move out.
ShadowZz chapter 1 . 1/26/2018
It's so good, please continue this! Keep up the good work man!
Valythe chapter 5 . 1/25/2018
Love this story! Can't wait to read more.
Mario Briones chapter 5 . 1/21/2018
I will love it if u put a little of the life of fireman of natsu
lili3346 chapter 5 . 1/10/2018
Oh my God! My heart is beating so hard! I really want to know what will happen! ( sry for my english)
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