Reviews for Humanity
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2018
Your punctuation is ridiculously distracting. Hopefully you’ll stop putting spaces where they don’t belong. Seriously, it’s almost as annoying as bad grammar and misspelled words...
Love332 chapter 3 . 9/25/2017
I actually really love your dark fics, you should write more of them~! (': I am rather sad that this finished but I am actually happy to receive a happy ending T...T After all the shit they went through, they deserved it~! (:

I am also contented to see Kaname still in love with Zero and was able to forgive him without a second thought, and Zero was able to talk again~! That was a great relief to see! c:

Thank you for this wonderful story, I loved it. -
Love332 chapter 2 . 9/23/2017
The torture methods were rather creepy to read Q.Q I am glad that Zero did not execute any of them on Kaname. T...T This psychotic Zero really reminds me of Sungwoo from Killing Stalking, haha. His behavior is really scary...

As for Kaname, poor bby! T...T I hope he will be okay T...T He didn't deserve this terrible treatment! :'(

Anyways, I am looking forward to the next chapter~!
Blemm-chan chapter 2 . 9/23/2017
So sad! Can't wait for more!
snipits42 chapter 2 . 9/22/2017
No I didn't know things would get even worse, but it's still an intimidating read.. hope things will turn better eventually though.. if possible
bleedingangel95 chapter 2 . 9/21/2017
You learn new things everyday...
Love332 chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
Ah, I have no words. Zero really lost it. o-o I was really expecting him to see him hurting Kaname but he ended up hurting himself. T...T

Someone spread rumours about them and blamed it on Kaname? ;-; Zero should trust his lover more. ;-; Kaname would not be so heartbroken to see Zero in such pain if he had actually done that xo

I cannot wait for the next chapter! (: