Reviews for Eye of the Beholder
Taiki no Hitsuzen Kage chapter 5 . 1/12
I was really excited to see what his class was, but unfortunately the story hasn't been updated since 2018, but I still love the concept though. As unlikely as it seems, I have hope that this story will be updated soon.
SKFF chapter 5 . 10/19/2019
Really hope that you continue this story.
It’s definitely one of the more unique ones I’ve read on this site, and I’m keen to see where you take it next.
williamhaysjr chapter 3 . 9/26/2019
Rushed and a tad boring.
fanreader18 chapter 5 . 7/23/2019
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Ricochetback chapter 5 . 4/20/2019
it's a really interesting au fic, hoping for more updates
HyperspaceGamer chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
I knew, coming into this story, that there wasn’t much published (only 14k if I recall correctlyhowever, I still found myself surprised to have already made it to the end, how immersed I found myself meaning I barely even noticed the passage of the chapters. I really hope you get back to this story, I honestly do think it has the potential to be great. Not just a good story, but a truly great one.
Neptune20 chapter 5 . 7/11/2018
This story is excellent! I hope you continue it at some point, I am very curious what you have planned for Harry's specialty.
Phoenix Invictus chapter 1 . 5/24/2018
This is a fascinating premise. I really hope you keep writing this story.
acquiringwriter chapter 5 . 5/18/2018
Very good! I don’t think there’s another story on FF like this. Keep it up!
MajorChaos13 chapter 5 . 4/11/2018
Really cool concept. I just read the first 5 chapters and it seem really interesting. Slightly puzzled on how Harry and crew have done all their adventures if Harry and ron are soo and at magic. Possible areas you could explore: the horcrux has inhibited his specialisation so he could be in a limbo between his and volde's abilitie which makes him useless, he may need a "maturation of magic" after which he could be able to use magic from multiple fields-for a super Harry fic, if you're interested in a more romantic themed idea it could be possible that he requires a partner to perform magic. I dunno. These are just idea that kinda popped up. Looking forward to what you come up with. Also what were his parents specialisations
Thranduil Arryn chapter 5 . 3/17/2018
This is certainly a very interesting idea and I am quite enjoying it so far. I wouldn't mind being of some help to you if you still need it. I think for now in the beginning maybe it's best to stay in the canon bit but if you have an interesting idea it can be changed of course. So far so good!
George1892 chapter 5 . 3/17/2018
Good fic so far although a bit too close to canon. Just an FYI but if this is staying a Harry/Fleur fic you'll want to upgrade the rating from K to M before he discovers his sex magic specialism so that people know what they're getting into.
xScottx chapter 3 . 3/15/2018
I'm liking it so far. Real interesting and original. The one thing I hate is a weak ass Harry though. I don't like it when he's a Superman-Harry but when he's really weak like he seems to be now just annoys me to no end.
Uzushiogakure chapter 5 . 3/15/2018
Poor poor Harry.
Uzushiogakure chapter 2 . 3/14/2018
I really feel sorry for Harry the tournament and Voldemort's resurrection how is he going to survive either of those? Heck how will he even realistically survive the tournament when you have made him lousy at combat magic? And how do you possibly intend for him to stand a chance of killing Voldemort when he once again is lousy a combat magic? I hope you plan to make his specialization something powerful like death magic or something.
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