Reviews for Sea Meets Earth
Jess chapter 20 . 12/31/2019
I would so love a sequel your story is amazing
crazyKate92 chapter 20 . 5/19/2019
It was a great story! Thanks for writing it!
Oakzbane chapter 20 . 2/13/2019
What about 'Dagome', for Damon and Kagome.
Amazing story, loved the epilogue it was so cute. Baby neko kitten! Adorable and genius.
Seia9175 chapter 20 . 6/27/2018
I absolutely love this pair,and such a beautiful story.
shadowkat83 chapter 20 . 5/31/2018
loved this little multi-chapter fic of yours
HashtagJustMonika chapter 20 . 1/6/2018
beautiful story:)
Danny chapter 20 . 12/10/2017
Este fis tuyo es muy bueno y emocionante espero que escribas mas de esta pareja porque realmente me ha gustado mucho sigue adelante y muy buena suerte en todo...
Espero mas de esta pareja, en un futuro espero que escribas otro fic de inuyasha y diario de vampiros.
burntblood.1982 chapter 3 . 11/8/2017
Brill so far more to u think u could do nartuo next
CallaRose4ever chapter 20 . 11/2/2017
This was a sweet story. I really enjoyed it. I haven't watched more than an episode of Vampire Diaries. but I was able to follow along well anyway. thanks for sharing.
Foxluna chapter 20 . 10/9/2017
Omg I absolutely loved this last chapter. So sweet and adorable! Hahaha and nice Kouga and Caroline got married. Kinda did and didn't see it coming lol. Stefan and Elena was a given at some point. So cute!
ricebunny88 chapter 20 . 10/8/2017
This epilogue is so great and I love it! But it makes me curious of Damon's pov during the epilogue.
Basketbears chapter 19 . 10/8/2017
Love this story! I'd love for there to be a wedding and maybe Damon and kags could adopt a demon kild together or kagome being a Mike could become pregnant. I'd love to see your take as Damon as a father and shipping as a protective older brother. Great love it hope for another chapter.
Natsuko457 chapter 19 . 10/5/2017
Thank you for sharing this story with us! it's definitely a good one!
DarkLord0012 chapter 17 . 10/2/2017
Love this story so far hope you update soon can't wait to read what happens next
Natsuko457 chapter 16 . 9/29/2017
wait... so demitri isn't the mastermind...? I'm confused! I do have to say though that I saw her kidnapping coming. But the rescue mission makes me excited!
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