Reviews for Winter Comes
Simianpower chapter 1 . 7/13
By chapter 9 this unfortunately became a mirror of nearly every other ASOIAF SI fic out there: tons of society shaping, OCs, tech development, etc. and no conflict of any kind in sight. It's playing house with someone else's world, but it doesn't tell a story that's interesting. BBEG gets what BBEG wants, everyone else is an ephemeral tool he can mold, use, and throw away whenever he wants, and each chapter covers decades or centuries of time. There's no actual plot, just endless worldbuilding with maybe one and a half actual characters. Writing's OK. I'd give this maybe 5/10 up to chapter 9 and have no interest in continuing. Even if there finally is a conflict, it will be between characters I've been given no in-story reason to care about, so why bother?
Simianpower chapter 8 . 7/13
He destroys the last Weirwood north of the Wall, and literally in the next scene some crows come north of the wall to swear their vows before a Weirwood? Or are the godswood heart trees no longer Weirwoods? There is either a contradiction or a misunderstanding in this chapter.
Simianpower chapter 6 . 7/13
He's AN IDIOT! Making one mistake is fine, but he keeps making the same one over and over. Plot can be created that way, sure. But usually not good plot. My hopes for this story are fading.
Simianpower chapter 4 . 7/13
He really IS an idiot. At least now he knows that he's an idiot, but that doesn't make it any better. I hope that this idiot ball gets dropped or passed on soon, because reading of moronic characters doing one dumb thing after another isn't fun or interesting.
Simianpower chapter 2 . 7/13
Well... given that the White Walkers hated their creators so badly that they made war upon them four thousand years later, how could this idiot be surprised that Lyanna hated him for her conversion four SECONDS later? It's a pretty obvious consequence. Is this SI a moron?
TianYi chapter 17 . 6/16
man, at this rate she will become lebioda
vSheAintNoGxd chapter 12 . 5/5
Dropped this whole shit with his son and the starks is annoying, its like he wants to get his dad mad and betray him. And his character is just so annoying its like hes becoming the Si now and the real si is pushed away like a pussy
A. V. 12 chapter 24 . 3/23
Please make a sequel! This is so good, I lust for more!
Altiria-Aty chapter 1 . 3/17
looool the last line there is hilarious
StonerMcWeedPot chapter 6 . 2/26
Come on have the Night King return the favour and fuck one of the Free Folk women
Amber Hunter chapter 24 . 1/23
I love this story and I really hope that you continue in some way.
Have a wonderful day.
TheDragon2000 chapter 7 . 12/30/2019
I have to say the more I read the more i'm curius: What were you smoking when you came up with this story? More importantly can I have some? :D
kanukaianderson123 chapter 24 . 12/30/2019
The start was a bit rocky. I was unsure whether to carry on reading, but I persisted.

And thank God that I did. Ad the story progressed it got better and better still it acc seemed like there was a plot. Not gonna lie, the beginning had me thinking he was coming up with it as he types. (Hopefully, I ain't wrong)
sugoijack9 chapter 11 . 11/25/2019
Even I have no idea what this Night King projects supposed to be in building that many damned CASTLES and FORTRESS all around the Land of Always Winter.
sugoijack9 chapter 10 . 11/25/2019
What in god's hell made them to make that kind of shitty idea just because the Free Folk advanced into civilized folks?!
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