Reviews for Stone Mind
BeetZel chapter 14 . 11/4/2019
Welcome back! I am so happy that you are still keeping this story alive! Again this is a phenomenal chapter that explains the ongoing of several characters and what they are all doing in their situation.

I am loving Soror's part and your explanation of how the Forbidden Zone came to be. Every single detail about the young prince and his journey through this area was quite lonely and bleak. That is... until we meet this feral human companion for Soror, much to his annoyance. I am loving the comparison of the two twins again. With Titus always moving like the river, while Soror compared himself to that of stone... While in his mind, stones destroy things in their path... but Soror here doesn't seem to understand that stones are but building blocks to supporting the foundation of great and fantastical structures. Again, I can't wait to see what happens to him.

Ah Cornelius. One could imagine the fear of following in his father's footsteps of losing his family members as well. You've written his characterization very well again. With him having to think more about of what to do in a situation that he was thrown in. His caution to everything and seeking guidance from others, as well as giving them.

Galen working away at his herbs with a scowl on his face is just too good.

The part about difference in the tribe's use of their own specialty of weapons is very interesting to read. Cornelius' tribe is like that of Caesar's of course. Primal with heavy spears, bows and arrows. Whereas Abrihet's tribe consists of similar weapons but were lighter and they have access to firearms. Quite and interesting take indeed, especially now since some of Cornelius' apes will now be train in the art of snipe shooting.

That Achilles list is quite something. Makes you wonder if a lot of ape tribes were kept tabs on by this human group. Of course I've never played VR game myself and haven't known the plotline for that yet but it fascinating altogether.

And here we go back to Nerus and his own tribe and his ruthless rule. Guess he doesn't like betrayal at all, eh? I find it ironic that Armando, an ape that Nerus trusts, would be to let Roman go in the end. Of course he is doing it for his son... and maybe, because he is tired of Nerus' rule.

Fantastic story yet again! Keep up the good writing and hoping to read more in the future. Welcome back again and hope to see more from ya!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/2/2019
make an au where caesar gathers all the apes from that list
Order of Alignment chapter 14 . 11/2/2019
Good read. I hope to see more.
TheBlueLyre chapter 10 . 4/6/2019
Damn, it's been so long since I've had the time to just sit down and read some good ol' fanfic, and of course I went here - only to get a character death of a wonderful OC (Oh Titus, my boy! T_T ) I know you made a warning in the author's note, but I really wasn't ready for this.

BUT - great writing as usual! I loved the flashbacks about Cornelius and Primrose as new parents and the day he became king (I would love to read about his teen years and how he dealt with it - and how he courted Primrose! - maybe you've already covered that in future chapters? xD I'll have to find out - otherwise, I guess I can dream xD ). I was actually not very partial to Soror up until this point, but the trauma he's suffered now really made me feel for him. And trust me, when a reader has built up an opinion of a character, it's very hard to change their mind, yet you did so with this chapter :) wonderful work!
BeetZel chapter 13 . 11/17/2018
A review is finally here!

It is here we get to see Dane taking a particular spot upon the branch of a tree and simply watch the rising sun. It is a calming thing for him, a momentary solitude for himself, to think and ease his mind before taking on the role to direct and lead his people.

It is also here we see Aldus, Urko and Maximus, plotting and scheming on how to deal with Bryn and Dane. We also get to see that Maria’s presence has calmed Aldus somewhat, but from the looks of it, not enough to stop him from going on with whatever he is planning…

For Bryn, after just three days, he is doing significantly better than before when he was struck by the bullet. With the assistance of Maria, we can see that a human’s touch in medication and healing is what needed. Funnily enough, the things that humans make cause destruction, yet at times can heal others as well.

I am glad that Maria chose to stay and help out as much as she could. She even begged that they help her take Bryn to their new home but of course, with the dangers that is going on around them, they would not risk such a thing. So, Maria has no choice but to work diligently on Bryn within the mountainside.

Aside from that though, I loved it that there was some brief talk about what had happened to both Bryn and Maria after the events of Last Frontier, so on and so forth. With the small snippets we hear, we can tell that many MANY things had happened for the people of Millerton and its inhabitants. These small snippets of what had happened to these people are so very interesting to hear. But that is a tale for another time.

I also like how both Bryn and Maria are speaking to each other like old friends. As they should be from what we’ve learned further, when she, Jess, Rainey and Mark visited the apes, so very long ago.

It was also very sweet how Maria regarded both Dane, Ney and the others, giving them all a brief history of human wars to them as well. Of course this was not meant to scare them at all, but to inform them that humans have been with war at each other since the dawn of time.

Then the important question was asked and it is here were Maria explained to them all briefly of what had happened to the people of Millerton, so on and so forth.

Ney is slowly learning more and more of Bryn’s dark hidden past from Aldus… hrm, this will only complicate matters worst for our healing mountain king. We then cut to Ney and Maria and here we learn why Ney is troubled and is in such condition to possibly not bear a child. I like the dynamic of emotions that Ney displays here. It ranges from distrust to hope and and then quickly back to anger. So many things going on for the poor young queen, with many a things that is running through her mind. As well as her heart.

Trying to bear a child with complications of the body is already a terrible thing for an individual, especially if one is trying. I can sense and feel for Ney as she wants nothing more than to bear a child, a most wonderful gift for herself and Bryn. A shining hope and the need to be a mother. Of course She’s already a loving mother towards Dane but that love is different when it is her own child, not that I believe that she would ever change from loving Dane but the love is different. So I’ve heard.

Ah Camila, taken over the role of her husband’s in caring for their prisoner. We see it here too of Camila’s fear and worry for not just her love and child, but for everyone else. From her perspective we see that she was but a simple ape who knew, that mating with a high ranking individual will come with lots of responsibilities. And we can see here too that both she and Thelus had been trying for a long time for a child of their own. But now that they have and it couldn’t possibly be at the worst of times…

Pete’s part though, is very interesting, as small as it was. We get to see and sense what he thinks of these apes that have captured him. Yes, they are the enemy, yet they are enemies who treat him with respect and kindness. Probably not something that he is used to, back with his own apes that is ruled by Nerus. And here, we see him longing, wishing for a life that is peaceful too. With his father and now lost mother.

This section is about memories and how Bryn still holds onto them so strongly. Even after two decades. This of course only shows how much he loved his family before. But of course it is not good as well, as that longing love that he once had, is now an obsession to find what was lost. To fill in that void within his being. It is selfish, yes, but can Bryn really be blamed though? Losing loved ones and coping with it is such a complicate matter and everyone heals differently too.

However, I am glad that Maria, being the gentle soul she is, kindly reminds Bryn that he needs to focus on his family here now. Letting him know that they need him more than ever too, just as much as he needs them. I also enjoyed the part where Maria reminisces their visit to the apes of the mountain after the events of Frontier. It is to be expected if one were to take the good events within the game. The people of Millerton were welcomed with open arms from their neighbors and vice versa. A historic piece indeed when gates were open to the apes from the town as well. And it is here then we learn of both humans and apes living peacefully with each other… something that was desperately strived for.

Then we finally had Bryn confessing to Ney about how Tola really died… I think this is deciding a breaking point for Ney. With what Bryn had hidden so much from her and a lot of the other apes, how can one regain the trust of others? Her slap to Bryn’s face shows us just how much his hidden secrets had hurt her and the anger she now harbors. I’m wondering what will happen now?

Lastly we have Dane… Dane who is still trying to sort out what he had just learned too. His world that he has lived in is now crumbling after learning the true truth about his oldest uncle and about his father’s history with Caesar’s tribe. I can see from Dane’s point of view of seeing his father split into two beings, one that lived in the now with him and the one that lived in the past with those hidden secrets. And Aldus’ words not only made more sense, it stung…

So lost in the turmoil of his own mind, we see Dane heading up to his favorite tree to clear his mind once more in the early morning, after learning more of his father’s past. This of course, is also having a mental effect on his mind and nothing but a sense of peace and quiet should help that indeed… that is if something were to happen.

And something happened, indeed.

I’m so excited to have read this new chapter fully now and my comments and review isn’t much but I wanted to say that just… wow. Bryn and his apes can’t just get a break. When one would think that hope was just around the corner, it is quickly snuffed away just as fast. I wonder now what will happen to Bryn once he hears what had just happened.

I can’t wait to read on what happens in the next chapters. Things seems to be getting only worse and worse for Cornelius’ tribe and Bryn’s, while Nerus seems to be making great strides with causing fear and havoc among other apes. Keep up the amazing writing! Hope to read the next chapter soon!
megascopstrichopsis chapter 13 . 11/14/2018
Heeeyyy you’re alive! Welcome back :) So glad you’ve finally posted a new chapter! Now onto the review...
So many lies and secrets...things just keep getting worse and more complicated...Bryn’s relationship with Ney was under enough stress as it was, and now this...thing with Dane...If the Battle parallel is real, then things are about to get so much worse. And I thought Maria might have softened Aldus’ heart.
It’s interesting to see Bryn and Maria talk about the past. I recently got the chance the play the game and finally got to know who the characters are. It only makes it so much cooler than you’re not just building upon the ending of War, but also that of Last Frontier. But yeah, shit’s hitting the fan, if it wasn’t already...
Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter! :) Till next time!
TheBlueLyre chapter 9 . 10/22/2018
My goodness, those were quite some chapters!

I love how the story weaves in so many different locations and tribes, so the reader gets a good sense of where everyone is and what is going on in each tribe, which pieces the whole thing together into a wonderful puzzle of power, politics and emotions! It's a true pleasure to read! :)

Reading how Bryn is doing so far, I really do fear for him and his family. Things just seem to be going from bad to worse for them at the moment - they just can't catch a break, now can they?

I don't know why, but Titus and Soror's relationship remind me a bit of the one between Soren and Kludd in the movie adaptation of The Legend of the Guardians of Ga'Hoole - the whole dynamic between them, both being so set in their ways and believing the other to be wrong - either by being naïve or prideful to a fault. I really do hope Soror will realise that running away from a threat doesn't make it go away, and that there are things more important than him and his pride. So far, I think you've laid the foundations for some beautiful character-development, and I'm very much looking forward to see what's going to happen in the next couple of chapters! :)

And I really do feel for poor Cornelius, having to banish his own child like that. Couldn't be helped, though, since he can't make exceptions, even when it's his own loved ones doing the disobeying, but damn, that was a tough one.

All in all, I'm am every bit as emersed in this wonderful story as I was in the beginning, if not more so! You write it beautifully and it's obvious that you are careful with not focusing too much on one single character at a time, giving the reader a good, overall sense of what's going on in everyone's head. I must admit I do find it a bit startling when suddenly, we're jumping from one character's mind to another, but I suppose I can largely blame that on the way I usually write my own stuff, following one set POV at a time :) Don't worry, though - I'm getting used to it!

Keep up the amazing work! You're doing great!
TheBlueLyre chapter 7 . 10/1/2018
Poor Bryn - he really has to do a delicate balancing act here. Oh, and isn't this rich coming from Aldus? wasn't he there too back then as well, doing the same thing? He gives me bad vibes O-o

I love how wise and motherly Tinker is with Cornelius here, she really is a good mother-figure and very dignified in her approach :) When all else fails, listen to Tinker - or Primrose :) I really think she's a good queen and a wonderful companion for Cornelius and I can't wait to read more of her. Their relationship truly seems to be a good, strong one (and she seems very... persuasive as well, when our dear king needs a little break from it all xD )

Still hooked so far and loving how you build everything up so nicely paced - I am worried for Titus and Soror's relationship, though O_O I think they're both lovely characters and for them to become enemies... Damn xD it's nerve-wrecking - but keep it up! :D
Lady Julie Snape chapter 12 . 9/30/2018
Oh my ...

It's been absolutely ages since I last read and left a review for this story hasn't it? I should apologize. I have been incredibly busy - that is the reason for my absence, not because I have given up or stopped enjoying this story. That will never ever be the case. Please forgive me.

I just wanted to drop by and say hello and that I'm still here and haven't forgotten this wonderful world of yours.

The ending of this chapter, with Lake's beautiful but somber goodbye to the statue of Caesar and his wife and son ... Well, it stole my breath.

I love this world you've created and I could totally see it happening in this new PotA universe.

Thanks for a great chapter!
TheBlueLyre chapter 2 . 9/30/2018
Oh my... Second chapter and I'm already so caught up in this that I can't stop xD It's such a wonderful experience to read about Cornelius as an adult - he already reminds me so much of his father! :) And I totally got the chills reading how proudly Titus proclaimed his heritage - what a golden moment!
I already love your OC's and your portrayal of original characters like Rocket and Tinker are simply wonderful and endearing to read :)
Damn, it makes me so sad to think about how Caesar doesn't get to meet his grandchildren, though. It gets me right in the feels.

And you totally had me giggling with the author's note at the end xD "a talented tongue", eh? xD brilliant!

I'm very much looking forward to reading on and finding out where you're gonna take this and what you intend to do with Bryn and his tribe as well! :) Consider this story favourited and keep up the good work! ;)
BeetZel chapter 12 . 9/22/2018
Okay, I’m finally here to review! Lets see, where to start.

First part with Soror and Rock. This was something that was bound to have happened to the two. Rock, the only ape who knows Soror through and through, would of course be the only one who can find the devastated prince. It is here where we see how much the past events had effected Soror and we also see how he is dealing with it. It is here we see how much Rock loves Soror by patiently waiting for the prince to respond and handing him any form of comfort and nourishment, making sure he is well.

Even this though, Soror is so traumatized by the recent events and feels guilty as well as responsible for the death of so many, including his twin. So much so that he is not even functioning well, as we can tell by his shaking hands and scratching at his arms. It is here where Rock offers his love, his compassion and his strength to Soror, trying everything within his power to help the prince.

Of course, healing takes time though, as with all things, naturally. But now though, for Soror at least. The hurt. The guilt. The pain… it is all still very fresh and very raw. Something that many others wouldn’t understand because, as he said. He was the one who failed his apes. Failed as their leader. Failed as their protector and had cost them their lives and the life of his beloved twin.

If I believe the colors being mentioned at the end of this section for Soror represents the loss of his brother (blue) and the rest of the of the other feelings are now slowly melding into that of anger (red). If I am not mistaken, Titus’ death (like poor Blue Eyes) is going to be the catalyst that is either going to lead Soror to be a much better ape than what he is currently now. Or it will lead him down the path of destruction, like it did their grandfather, Caesar. But we shall wait and see! I can’t wait to read about it.

Next part we see that some of the apes are still divided in joining the fight and has the right to be so. I mean, they’ve just lost quite a lot of their extended colony members. Many of them being families and friends that will never ever be seen again… and that fear is now running rampant through.

Cornelius of course, knows those fearful eyes as well, as he himself has experienced this kind of fear very much long ago and it is something that will never go away. Along with that fear though, there are other things that has settled within the heart of his apes as well, a powerful hatred and need I say, a want for revenge? These are things that has to be taken into consideration as well, lest they want another ape like Koba. Or an ape to go on a suicide mission out of hatred like his father - Caesar. So I am glad that Cornelius is keeping a check on that too.

Even after the preparations for the oncoming battle, and there will be one for sure, everyone is still in a mournful state. There has not been enough time for mourning and healing. But again, is there any time at all in war? We see this very much with many of the close apes with Cornelius and Primrose, also with their extended families as well. But they must stay strong.

When Rock brought news that Soror was not going to come back. In this, we see that Cornelius is just happy to hear that Rock had found his other son. Primrose and Zira on the other hand are of course saddened to hear that Soror is not willing to return for the time being. It is also here in this part where Cornelius knows that he had been in the wrong and had reconciled with both Rock and Stone. Tensions were running high after such a thing had happened and it was very natural for one to lose themselves to quick anger. But I’m glad the others took it well.

And at the end of this section here, we see that many of the others are willing to stay and help with the fight. Rocket for obvious reasons. He is a fighter and protector through and through, as he is one ape who does not do well standing behind others and would rather be the one fight. It’s just his nature. Maurice… old Maurice’s words to Cornelius. Of course he would still feel very guilty about Caesar’s death no? He had stated that he would bring back his friend to the colony alive, and he did… but not in the way that he had wanted. Therefore I’m feeling like Maurice is making up amends, to himself, to make sure that this time someone comes back alive and stays alive.

Apes are now getting ready for War and Retreat. I’m sure something exciting is definitely going to happen to both! I can’t wait to read about it.

This section with Bad Ape and Cedar was rather sweet in my opinion. It sort of makes sense if you think about it. Both of these characters have lose both of their families and pretty much have no one else in particular. But do I see something budding between these two though? As it was explained to me, Cedar is very much suffering from a form of Lupus and if I am not mistaken it is due to extreme stress and maybe other things. And she’s a character that has suffered for quite a while now too. Maybe even lonely and that is probably why maybe she accepted Bad Ape’s offer to go with him instead. He’ll probably be the cure that is needed for her? I can’t want to see where their story leads to.

And if things couldn’t get any worse, it is here we learn that Isso here just had a miscarriage. Naturally this happens in life all the time and it is a devastating moment for mother and father to be. It is a loss of life that hadn’t even taken its first breath yet and poor Isso here is in shock, surrounded by family members of both sides.

It is here we see that Abrihet asks for permission that her tribe apes, who cannot fight, go with Cornelius and Primrose’s retreating apes. Of course there were no hesitation for Cornelius, knowing well that they have suffered much as they did, more so, since they have been fighting for way much longer than his colony had. So of course it is natural that Cornelius allows the apes who had warn him, helped him, to go with his other colony members to safety.

Then there is Lake and her children. Of course it was expected that many of her children would stay to help and fight or heal in both Galen and Stream’s case. It is a very tough thing for a mother to not worry about their children and extended children, who are staying behind to fight. Something that a mother fears the most as well, seeing her child or children for the last time. Of course the decision is very much their own.

They are grown adults and have responsibilities of their own to the colony. Spear as a warrior and scout, Galen and Stream as healers. They will be needed for the oncoming events that is about to occur and Lake can do nothing but look after her remaining children and young grandchild. In times of war, no matter how much you want things to stay, they are just never meant to be…

I see it now that it looks like Lake is looking upon the statue of Caesar, Cornelia and Blue Eyes, asking them for guidance, help and protection as this may be the last time they will see their home. The home that was founded by Blue Eyes… It is here that we see Lake finally depart to join with the retreating apes to find a new safe place, so that their future and lives can remain.

Excellent chapter as always. I am glad you’ve updated this story. Sure it may not have exciting things happen but we can all read here that the preparations are going under way. This is the start of the Journey, like you’ve said and that now the pieces are in place.

Please do continue with the story and update whenever you can. I do know that crafting up something within your mind and putting it down into words is a hard thing to do. But I will be here to read every single piece of this until the end. I wish you luck and can’t wait to read the next chapter!
Chelleshells chapter 1 . 9/14/2018
So I love this story so much that I'm constantly checking for updates. I love your characters and their stories.
BeetZel chapter 11 . 9/2/2018
Woo! You’re back! Welcome to see another writer again! Hope you’re doing alright! Really Really missed this story of yours. Also, apologies for the long wait of the review. Had many things going on but I should slowly be able to pick up again. Now! On with the review.

This was truly a chapter of flashbacks for Bryn. With him remembering about his sweet love Oaka, how they first courted, found out that she was with child and became one with each other. It was a rather touching read.

I do like it that Bryn was probably the only first male ape to assist in childbirth so far. Of course this situation was dire, as both Bryn and Oaka probably had no one else who had that kind of expertise along with them, mostly likely lost the majority of apes to the soldiers when they had separated. Not to mention that Oaka’s father unfortunately disowned her after she had left with Bryn and the other apes who had sided with Koba. That must have been harsh for poor Oaka, emotionally so.

Oh the birthing scene for Kanj was wonderful to read. It was very raw but cushioned with beautiful emotions yet again. That particular section was needed for Khan’s tribe. Indeed they had lost so much when they had first started out, but now it is filled with a hope that drives the apes to move forward again. But all good things must come to an end…

As we read on, we go back to the devastating coughing plague that is killing off Bryn’s apes and loved ones. As much as I personally wanted Juno, Kanj and Oaka to still be alive, unfortunately the story does not dictate that they be with Bryn and thus they are swept away from him… The poor king ape of the mountains.

Cassia, such a wonderful name for an appropriate ape. The second love of Bryn’s life and one who could mean the whole new world for him as well. Something akin to a new beginning no? After so much loss and hardship, Bryn deserved something to quell that aching heart of his. But all things happy was not meant to be for him, was it?... Even after Cassia was able to bear his second child, she was just as quickly taken away from him as well. Leaving him and little Dane in the world of the living.

Then it was thereafter he met with Ney and well… here we are now. Poor girl though, so confused and filled with many many emotions from her beloved. Secrets that were kept from her. Feelings that Bryn still had for long lost ones still burned brightly in the back of his mind… and heart. But given the recent circumstances, there is still a lot for Ney to take in and understand. This has, of course, waned her trust with Bryn. Ney has every right to be worried, angry and very hurt, because his love is still with those who had passed on.

Also, Ney is getting a bit sick? And this is being caused by her stomach hrm? If I can recall, she and Bryn had been trying no? Maybe I’m looking into this too much.

Now we have Dane here. Poor young prince, he’s just trying to sort out his own troubles as well. Of course having found nothing in the first two days to feed him or his people would be frustrating for someone. Especially when there is many of your people who is expecting quite a bit from you. Along with what had happened, such as the attack, his father’s illness, Aldus’ constant challenges, so on and so forth. So, anger and frustration is aptly the correct feelings for the prince to have right now. That along with fear as well, as Dane is reminded of taking a life to save another as per that knife in his hands.

It seems like all is lost for the king of the mountain and his apes. With the recent attacks, the disarray, the secrets. All is not well for Bryn, Dane, Ney and the others. It is as if fate had simply chosen Byrn’s tribe and punished them for siding with Koba and leaving Caesar’s tribe all together.

But all is not lost…

What is the best remedy for despair when it overwhelms you? A little bit of hope and go a very long way. And it is here, we read a familiar face and friend shows up just at the right time when she is needed most. Oh Maria, how I and I am sure others, have missed you. Her sudden presence brings out a new hope for Bryn and his apes. Of course her first interaction with Dane was to be expected, tense and wary. But after a little bit of speaking, the nurse was able to calm the young prince down and even mistaking him for Kanj… Oh dear Kanj. Maria must not know.

Luckily, Dane has a good head upon his shoulders as well. Like his father, he is very conserve when meeting other strangers but not willing to act upon his more primal tendencies to kill and instead seek help and peace.

It was as if that darkness that loomed over the apes, was quickly banished by Maria’s mere presence alone when Dane had brought her back to the tribe. Heck, the young prince was even quite surprised to see Aldus’ attitude change drastically when Maria saw the gorilla again and the two hugged one another with the gorilla lifting up and spinning the woman. Then it came to Maria meeting with Bryn and oh how these two had greeted one another, referring to the other as old friends. As it should and will be, especially in what they had gone through together. Of course, Maria sticking true to her nature, immediately goes into nurse mode and lets everyone knows that she will come back with help.

All is well… That is except for one individual whose heart is being driven ever further into a dark corner…

Moving on back to Cornelius and his tribe, oh this is a moment of loss and sorrow. Words cannot describe the loss of someone’s child, especially for Cornelius. He is reliving something he so desperately tried to get away from, but now it seems that no matter how far he’s run, death, turmoil and fear will always come for him, in one shape, form or another. He had hoped to see Titus grow evermore into a wonderful heir and maybe even see the princes’ own children one day. But of course that was taken away by a single gunshot, from an enemy that they don’t even know much about.

However, war is here now and they must ready themselves for it. Cornelius and the others know who their allies are - Abrihet and her tribe of Lakeland. Titus and the other apes who had gone with Soror, are the catalyst that will set in stone of what Cornelius and the rest of the tribe will do. They will fight now to prevent something like this to ever happen again, at all costs. It is especially noticeable with Cornelius’ conversation with Rocket.

Also, among Isso’s grieving of losing another one who was dear to her, she is getting cramps? In the abdominal area no less? Hrm, what’s the saying? With life there is death and with death there is life. With all that is going on now, am I safe to say that there is a spark of life blooming within the young bonobo? If it is, I wonder what that will entail for not just her but for Cornelius, Primrose and the others.

Again, this chapter was a fantastic read! There is so much good to it that I cannot just put into words. Even if not much has happened so far, this was a chapter that was needed. There must be a grieving process before anything else can occur and it is going underway now. Beautiful chapter, especially the backstory of what Bryn had gone through, the return of Maria and the grief of Cornelius and the others. I can not wait to see what happens next!
megascopstrichopsis chapter 10 . 8/17/2018
Oh my god...I haven't written a review in a really long time because it's been very hard for me to find the time, but I feel really compelled to say something about this chapter. I think you've done something truly incredible here. It's poignant, intense, and soul-shatteringly powerful. You had my eyes glued to the screen until I zoned out and your words turned into almost unbearably vivid imageries in my head. It wasn't until Titus' death and tears started falling down my face that I realized just how much I've grown to love his character. In fact, his death left me completely stunned and heartbroken. He was such a lovable character after all. His death was also made even more powerful by the way it mirrored Blue Eyes' death. If this is how the war begins, then this is a hell of a way to begin it. And if this is how Soror finally changes his mind to help his father, it's a completely believable change of heart. Again, I just want you to know what an amazing job I think you did this in this chapter, but also just how much I appreciate you writing this story. I wish you received more reviews as I think the amount of work you've put in and the quality of your work is seriously underappreciated right now. I do hope you'll always keep writing and know that even if I can't always write reviews, I'll always keep reading your incredible story :)
BeetZel chapter 10 . 5/17/2018
Okay, okay… first of all, I just want to say that it was a pleasure to see you update this again. I truly am happy to see this newest chapter from you. Second of all, I just want to say that I’m still wowed by what I’ve just read, speechless even. Anyways, I’ll be writing what I can for now.

This first section with Cornelius and Primrose and how they’ve first become new parents were very sweet to see, especially so young too! I often forget how our cousin species sexually mature a lot faster than we do, yet we age and die at the same rate. That is, if we didn’t have modern medicine mind you. Anyways, besides all that, I love how you described how Primrose just couldn’t bear to let her little one keep on crying. Those motherly instincts are kicking in very strongly while those fatherly instincts to protect his family is set right there with good ole Cornelius. I love it too how Primrose and Cornelius had to learn what to do as new parents, such as Primrose knowing that when her child cried, it meant that he was hungry. These little details are such nice things to read.

I love how you explained the traditions within the birthing process for the apes here. Of course, ape mothers would often seek a quiet place to birth by themselves, whereas here they are helped by their sister midwives within the films. And here especially, it seems that traditions are ever changing as the males are even now allowed to be there with their beloved during the process. This is very good to see, taking something old and making it something new, change.

Ah, I bet Cornelius was indeed a bit startled to see a pair of bright sky colored eyes, staring back at him. But he loves them, nonetheless and it seemed they are already beloved by their extended family members too. XD

This section was just full with so much love from the new parents and it should be just like that. Raw emotional love that cannot be put into words but is seen through actions and movements, such as a simple kiss and or holding their newborn children close to their bodies. And yes, this is a start of a new life and I am sure that both Caesar and Cornelia would have been very proud of their youngest child having a family of his own now.

But yes… how long would this peace last? As we now know from the end of this chapter…

This ceremonial section, crowning Cornelius as their new king was very interesting to read. Of course we all knew that Caesar became the leader for the apes out of necessity. But here, it was due to respect and might I say, through lineage? Only seems appropriate, right?

And here, it is seen how Cornelius is now the center attention for many of the females his age and they are now at the ripe age to seek a bonding mate. It is here we learn of the origins of Rain and her children it seems like. I like how these side characters were tied into the story and given their own little tidbits of what had occurred in their lives. Such as Cornelius being friends with the twins
Petal and Bluebell, both whom was born at the end of “Revelations.” Now we also see who their “younger” sister is as well. These little wonders are such a fantastic read for me. XD

Of course, the supplicating gesture of an ape. Who could have forgotten such an important thing in their history and society. This of course, is very important later too, which will be discussed in due time with both Rock and Cornelius.

I like Bark, he’s very overprotective and very sweet in his doting of Lake. But of course, Bark genuinely does care for Lake, especially in her darkest of times and stuck with her through think and thin. Only a person, who truly cares about the other individual, would do this kind of thing. And it seems like Bark is a very great individual to help mend Lake’s broken heart in those dark times.

Poor Cornelius. It must be so great, yet so sad to see the statue of his father. It is fantastic because from now on the apes would know of Caesar and who he was to them and what he did for them. It is terribly sad because that statue is what truly remains as a reminder that his father, mother and brother are no longer there for him… but we are reminded that Cornelius is never truly alone now is he? Getting loving hugs from his two adopted parent - Rocket and Tinker.

This scene of course is very emotional for everyone, the statue of Caesar. All those memories of what he had done for them are now there and everyone there could only stare in silent respect of their old friend, father-in-law to be, and father. A sad touching scene indeed. It was unexpected to hear Maurice speak, but it is welcome nonetheless, for he speaks only when needed and it is here, where it is needed.

Yes, even though Caesar is now gone, with Cornelia and Blue Eyes, that does not mean that life has stopped. As Caesar has said “Apes are strong. With or without me,” and they will continue to prosper and persevere through the tough times.

And tough times are ahead indeed…

Okay, now this section was just full of raw emotion, especially here with Cornelius. It is here that we see what state of mind Cornelius is in. He’s definitely still in shock, disappointment, winded and filled with quite the primal anger too. It is described very well in the first paragraph, after seeing so much of their own apes turning their backs to the tribe, especially that of his very own son too.

Poor Rock though, he’s just a young adolescent ape who is definitely caught in the middle of all of this, trying to make things right by pleading to Cornelius, for Soror’s sake. Of course we see Cornelius seeing what Rock is trying to do but he simply couldn’t just unbanished the banished prince, that would go against tradition and their laws, not to mention that would be acting out of favoritism, which I believe Cornelius is trying to desperately not want to do, even though it seems like that deep down he does want to.

Oh man, the arguments between both Cornelius and Rock is so well written. They both make great points. Cornelius doesn’t want the past to occur ever again but Rock is right as well. Will Cornelius banish anyone who defies their sacred laws? Or does not want to partake in something they don’t want to? And I like it that Rock used Cornelius’ family as an example to practically get his point across. Stone is right though, Rock should not have spoken up about Cornelius’ family like that, especially when his king had just banished is own son too, overstepping his bounds indeed. However, like Rock’s thinking, these words had to be said to Cornelius to make him see, make him understand from different points of view.

Did I mention how much I love the way you wrote these arguments? They are never right nor are they wrong. Never Black and never white, something more of a gray area.

The part with Cornelius not forgiving Rock was something different as well. I don’t think that supplicating forgiveness swipe was ever, not given, even in the films. Whomever did this gesture was always forgiven for their misdeeds, but it is here we see it first that Cornelius chose not to forgive Rock in what he said, very interesting. I do understand however that Cornelius is much too angry right now to forgive the younger chimp. However, Cornelius’ statement of accepting no more pleas of forgiveness from anyone anymore was rather interesting too. Does he really mean it? Or is he just caught up in the moment to think clearly? Anger does cause one to lash out and think differently.

Anyways, moving on from that, that was a bit harsh too in what Cornelius said to Stone, after the older chimpanzee asked him for forgiveness too, especially for his only family left. But of course from that sentence, Cornelius knew that he was rightfully being unreasonable and for the most part, did not care either. That primal rage and anger is much too strong, and is deliberately consuming him… and we all know what happens when we let our rage consume us. Just look at Koba and Caesar, one’s rage who was brought on by years and years of torture, the other who’s rage was brought on by the lost of his own family.

Stone’s little part was very sad to read, but understandably so. Back then he followed Koba and with it, almost destroyed their family, their people, and he was shunned from it. However like the lands throughout time, it changes. People, apes and other creatures alike change within time and here we see that poor ole Stone is reminded of his dark past. But all is not lost within the past, like Cornelia before, Primrose was the benevolent force that reminded Stone that they all had compassion within them.

And finally through all this, Titus is taking all of this in. Learning, seeing and thinking, he’s basically become our eyes within the scene and I loved that.

Omigosh, it sweet old Bad Ape! I love it that he’s having a small part here. We see that the congenial little old ape is very concerned for his prince and banished apes. Like the sweet little nice guy he is, he is risking everything by bringing them food and basically interacting with them. But we know Bad Ape, he has a great good heart and will not stand by, seeing others in need or in trouble, even if he is scared. Especially here, where he himself is trying to convince Soror to go back to the colony because he just couldn’t stand seeing father and son fighting one another.

It is here we see that Soror can function very well, be himself and knowledgeable leader for their banished apes, already setting up a system to which they could all work proactively and sustain themselves. It is as if he’s been waiting all his life to attain this position, a leadership role, a place for him to rule and see his apes prosper… an ideal place for him but one that was never meant to be, as we could see later.

I love it that Soror has a soft spot for Bad Ape when he saw the older chimp’s sad face. Reminiscing how Bad Ape could never quite make a lot of friends due to his strange habits. It was to be expected that Bad Ape would get along very will with the little ones and would of course, be the one to help Maurice in teaching them too. Maybe he taught the linguistic classes and most likely was the more artsy kinda guy, while Maurice took over more of the academic side of things, no? It was very sweet though, to read the part where Soror offered a safe place among them for Bad Ape, knowing well that this particular chimpanzee’s role was not to fight.

Poor Bad Ape, he feels the need to owe Caesar, after what he had done for him. However, we know that Caesar would never want such a thing from Bad Ape. Having accepted the chimpanzee already, as a friend.

It is here we see the emergence of the other prince - Titus, going against their law too to see his twin and unexpectedly see Bad Ape there as well. XD Of course we all knew that Titus wouldn’t be able to sit on by while his brother was banished and out of their protective borders. It’s just not in his nature to do so, especially after we have learned that Cornelius and Primrose had been arguing at home over what had happened.

Hrm… that’s an interesting read there. Zira’s pleading eyes was what made Titus go out and find their brother aye? I wonder if this will affect Zira in anyway? This is practically the last she will ever see Titus ever again… oh, dear…

And here we go, with Soror practically showing Titus his accomplishment, showing what he had built and what they did in their peaceful little tribe. We can see that Titus was quite awed by what his twin had accomplished in his few days of banishment. Already forming a small tribe of their own and with due time, Soror and the other apes could most definitely prosper from the looks of it.

For some reason, it feels a quite sad when Titus states that Soror would be their very own king, just like he had always wanted. This however, Soror agrees tremendously. Not the way that he thought he would be a king/leader/alpha of course but in its own way, he was. This was something that Soror had always wanted, something he strived and worked hard for. “A thing of want,” so to speak. So much so that Soror, I don’t think he meant to, seems to have hurt his loved ones more than he’d thought. Especially when Titus informed him of what is going on back in their home…

Of course Soror still thinks that his father is “chasing an enemy they shouldn’t” but this is his flaw. He either does or does not realize the extreme danger that will come for them if they ignore this threat. This unknown enemy, but his mind has been made up, like the many others too who did not want to partake in the fight. Again, Soror is acting out, treating the feelings of others as something akin to tempers that will fade away in time.

It is here where Titus asks Soror that question. “Are you happy?” It is not a simple question either from Soror’s twin. As stated, this was a deep question that was being asked of his very being and we could see it here, that it caused Soror to hesitate, to really think on what he had wanted as he was quite literally stumped. Of course, not able to find the answer, Soror insteads avoids the question entirely and asks Titus instead.

I think we all would have loved to hear (or read in this case) what Titus had to say. How he really felt about the situation. How he felt about his parents, the decision to help the Bonobo tribe of Lakeland, his feelings for Isso, and his love of his brother and their separation. Now that one of them was banished from their home. But, we will never get the chance to hear what Titus would have said to Soror.

And it is here, where it literally comes back to bite Soror and the other banished apes, hard.

The surprise attack was loud, heart pounding and violent. As it should be. Death violence is never simple and it is never kind to anything living. It takes and takes, until there is nothing left and here it takes the home, the accomplishments and the lives of Soror and his apes. Actions scenes are one of my weaker writing skills but here, with your story, I can see it clear as gunfire rained down upon the village of Soror and his banished apes. All of them scattering about for the lives and desperately fighting back so. All for naught, so it would seem.

In the end, it was swift and violent. Leaving Soror and maybe a few others alive, of what was left of their banished tribe and their saviors - the bonobos of Lakeland. Everything must have been so surreal for Soror as he was left standing there, seeing his new home, his apes he had sworn to protect, all taken from him. Leaving him with nothing but death and despair… and something more.

Something that will most likely haunt him for the rest of his life.

It is here, we see what the reality of the threat that Soror has been ignoring coming back to slap him in the face. As he holds onto Titus’ body, he is literally stunned shocked to see his only other beloved brother, one he sees as invincible force within his own eyes, dying within his arms. Soon enough, Soror is left there, all alone in the world, seeing his brother’s last smile, who seemed to be at peace, as the life fade away from his eyes. Heart Wrenching and devastating for sure, something that will forever burn within Soror’s heart and mind.

It is here we see Cornelius’ fear come to fruition as he sees Soror carrying the limp body of Titus back home. The pain, the anguish and the loss is clearly returning to Cornelius as he sees that he’s lost yet another of his own beloved family member, one of his sons to be exact. And so, unable to bear it anymore, we see that Soror gets up and leave.

It is here we see the aftermath of Titus’ death and the deaths of many of their other apes had caused for Cornelius and the rest of the apes. The royal family and close family members is in a disarray of heartfelt pain. One that is sparking up painful memories that many of the other apes had buried away within the darkest pits of their minds.

This final section was very well written as well, it is here we see all the emotions laid out before both king and queen. Shame, remorse, grief, confusion, loss, fear and hollowness taking over their very being of what had happened to all of them, earlier that day. But with this sense of loss, this will only renew the fire and storm within them. Even plunged into the unknown, Cornelius and I’m sure that many of the other apes, are now prepared to fight back. To face this new threat that had taken many of their loved ones away from them.

As before, this chapter was delightfully beautiful to read. It was extremely sad of course, I myself never would have thought to lose such an important character so early (my opinion) in the story. But that was what made it wonderful and different and engaging. As a reader, we would have thought that maybe Titus would be the one to stick around, as he is one of our many protagonist and had so much going for him. But, to rip him away so suddenly like that, only shows to us, that this war that is coming, opening our eyes to the reality of it all. It takes a lot of guts to kill of a main character like this and I applaud you for it. As killing off beloved main characters is very VERY hard to do (especially for me).

Please please please, keep up the wonderful work you’ve got here. This is one of the few fic where it shows that not everyone is invincible and that anyone within it could die and that is what makes it such a endearing read. Beautiful work as always, keep it up and I am waiting excitedly for the very next chapter with Bryn and his tribe!
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