Reviews for In the Dead Ice
Elizabeth loines chapter 6 . 6/11
I hate the ship it was a great story before that and now it’s crap
Elizabeth loines chapter 12 . 6/11
Please continue
Kage-Shino chapter 6 . 4/2
I ship it! :)
Kage-Shino chapter 5 . 4/2
I absolutely LOVE your family thing! It's hilarious!
rizusan paricanaza chapter 6 . 12/5/2019
The Age of Awesomeness chapter 12 . 11/9/2019
Great work! Keep it up and please update soon!
Monoyoshi chapter 12 . 11/2/2019
The master has returned welcome back!
olivia.rodriguez.927 chapter 12 . 11/1/2019
Love it~
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8/2019
To be frank, this is the good shit.
I believe that you have an honestly beautiful talent for writing and all of your stories allow us to explore different aspects of character personalities without straying to far from canon. I have long had issues with characters like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson because they are always painted as long suffering and jaded heroes.
Yes, some of the angst is warranted but Harry goes looking for trouble as often as he complains it always finds him. And all of Percy’s flaws are designed to make him more attractive, affectively making him less relatable or even human.
Harry technically threw Malloy’s father in prison! Of course Draco hates him! Honestly, I discovered this recently and read it all in a week in order to get my mind off of (procrastinate/prolong) my studies. I am not entirely sure how I feel about the Draco/Hitsugaya pairing, but the way you wrote the group’s banter made it kind of inevitable and not entirely implausible. Regardless, I will keep reading despite a conflict of interest. (The angst! Oh, screw all the goddamn angst!) That being said, from the standpoint of an author (reading fan fiction is out of pure indulgence, and maybe some unhealthy addiction after discovering it sick in bed one night.) and a fellow reader, I think you spend a little~ too much time describing their clothes. I appreciate the attentiveness to detail but most readers prefer too receive the barebones then formulate their own ideas and imagery.
In conclusion (this sentence is so horribly formal and I am often made fun of by my peers because apparently “my British accent makes me sound so very hoity-toity.”) I am a devout follower of you stories and congratulate you on this excellent addition to the Bleach and Harry Potter fandom.
I will await your update eagerly and somewhat patiently, for this is the good shot indeed. And I mean the good shit.

MomoPeachFlower chapter 6 . 1/14/2019
Honestly, I was was expecting it, can't say I'm particularly please, having my own ships for each male, but I expected it would happen. While I absolutely adore the bantering and playful nature of them and their friends, them being a couple just doesnt do it for me. That doesn't mean I'm gonna just quit the story, I've been loosely following since the first one, no reason to back off now just because of differed opinions.
Anyways, while slightly disappointed with this newest development, I am thoroughly enjoying this fic as I did the last two of the series and will continue to read till the end.
The Age of Awesomeness chapter 11 . 1/3/2019
Ooohhh boy! It’s heating up now!

Great work! Keep it up and please update soon!
ShinyKyu chapter 11 . 1/1/2019
Shit just got very real.
Monoyoshi chapter 11 . 12/31/2018
Thank you for updating your story!
BlackKingOfTheCourt chapter 11 . 12/30/2018
Ooohhhh it’s getting goooooddddddd
Hwallya chapter 11 . 12/30/2018
Cool,don t give up!
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