Reviews for To Create Ones Path
TheLichEmperor chapter 7 . 3/29
"Meh", had me chuckling, good chapter.
thegermankaiserreich chapter 14 . 9/30/2019
Guest chapter 14 . 9/30/2019
This is great can't wait for the next chapter but I do no one thing for sure yang and ruby have a lot of competition going on for one jaune noir
yiggdrasill chapter 4 . 8/25/2019
Its an interesting idea and i like stories exploring how god characters interact with their creations, but you have one very big flaw so far. What is the being trying to accomplish? Why did he banish his son? Why do they have to fight? So far he/it just seems like a stereotypical villain but he needs reasons for what he does, and should you want to really make him and this story into something good, he needs to be correct from a certain point of view. The being needs to be "the good guy" with a twist of thought. An idea could be that his son created divine creatures which would have HUGE echoes throughout creation as well intended and loving as the act may have been.
IROCK108 chapter 15 . 8/10/2019
Fate-RWBY ODST chapter 8 . 8/10/2019
Looking through some evidence, Monty posted back in 2014 that Yang and Ruby are half sisters and that summer is Ruby’s mother, when a theory popped up about Yang and summer being the same person, not the same idea of Ruby and being Summer and Qrow being Ruby’s parents, however, if Raven and Taiyang are Yang’s parents, although the post didn’t specify that Taiyang is Ruby’s father, it should be implied so, because Yang and Ruby are half sisters, and if Summer really is Ruby’s mother which was stated as a fact by Monty, then the implied father would be Taiyang then. That aside, although trying to find the evidence was quite quick for me, I should have waited to post the first comment so I could have combined my comment into one. That aside, as I said, as long as the multiverse theory is implied, and that this story is taking place in a different universe of RWBY, then I am fine with it.
Fate-RWBY ODST chapter 7 . 8/10/2019
Reading chapter 7, You are lore breaking, it was made in a social media post by the developers/creators, I can’t recall who from the crew creating RWBY, let me look into that again and post in another chapter review who the person of the crew posted that tidbit of info on social media to set the facts straight, that Yang and Ruby are sisters, but then again, if you intend to go with the multiverse theory, then I guess I am fine with it, but I hope you flushed out the details enough for it to be acceptable, that aside. Good read for me for now.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/10/2019
Cinder and Emerald for them harem.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2019
Yes. Raven in the harem. And hopefully Nora as well.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/1/2019
How does the time and age work in this, I mean Jaune is 8, yet Cinder Emerald and Mercury are attacking Amber what shouldn't happen for at least another nine years, and it also makes Cinder Emerald and Mercury at least ten years older than they were in the show. I'm just confused.
IROCK108 chapter 14 . 5/12/2019
noice cliffhanger and omake.
alexander.petroni chapter 1 . 2/18/2019
Recién ahora empecé a leer esta historia, y te digo, el capítulo diez en verdad me llegó al corazón, fue un momento muy triste para el protagonista, me siento mal por lo que tuvo que pasar él, te quedó excelente ese capítulo.
Todavía no leí el resto, pero ten por seguro que los voy a leer.
alexander.petroni chapter 10 . 2/18/2019
Recién ahora empecé a leer esta historia, y te digo, el capítulo diez en verdad me llegó al corazón, fue un momento muy triste para el protagonista, me siento mal por lo que tuvo que pasar él, te quedó excelente ese capítulo.
Todavía no leí el resto, pero ten por seguro que los voy a leer.
IROCK108 chapter 13 . 2/17/2019
ShadowK54 chapter 13 . 2/17/2019
Aye, Glad to see that you’re back and doing better! Excellent work on this chapter! Definitely worth the wait. I look forward to seeing more! Have a good one!
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