Reviews for Fate: New Horizon
FalconRukichi chapter 13 . 1/21
I never like sakura. (Laugh maniacally)
LayLay lives chapter 13 . 12/25/2019
Shinji is on the scene. That is what could possibly go wrong. Lol. Good chapter. I almost like Immanuel. He seems to actually care about Sakura. I don't but he does. Was that cruel to say? Anyway, this is heating up. Keep it going.
LayLay lives chapter 12 . 7/27/2019
I've waited so long and I am not disappointed. Good fight scenes.
Oh and your Moses is cool. The Nasuverse has plenty of variations of the same characters so yours fits as a different version of him. If we left it just to the Nasuverse all males would have a busty female counterpart with an attitude and bisexual. Can't wait until the next chapter.
SentinalSlice chapter 12 . 7/23/2019
Moses should send some snakes to attack people.
FalconRukichi chapter 11 . 4/6/2019
RIN! okay thats my focus in your atory now. After that "tense moment between Rin and Shirou, I wonder how Rin handling it since Sakura and Shirou both kinda blame her for what happen. And now that Gray girl who resembles or actually Saber Arturia maybe?* will be another so Called "complicated relationship" with Shirou aftee Sakura. Rin! Be the best master and love yourself first! (Ah, its hurts me whenever Rin is hurt)

I love how shiro rin relationship intimate moment was. So cute and that's shirin for ya. (Never like sakura so I can say, she is Sakura in any way) aww, Lancer and Archer "brofriendship" really make things more interesting! PLEASE CONTINUE!
FalconRukichi chapter 1 . 4/6/2019
Looooove the beginning! ShiRin so matured and sometimes childish too. Cant wait to read the rest of the story!
XiaoTehAsian chapter 1 . 2/5/2019
holy Jesus, is that the mad lad himself? the legendary mad jack who brought a f-ing bow to a firefight and won?
ZenoZen chapter 11 . 2/4/2019
no need to listen at review that said shirou character is no good, technically shirou is never a good mage he shine during strugle and greatest threat, also shirou is relatable because he not op. So i think your shirou is good
Woggie chapter 11 . 2/4/2019
Shirou has had 5 years to adapt EMIYA's fighting style but can't handle grappling in a fight? Bullshit. Why doesn't he internalize his reality marble, it barely costs more than reinforcement and has no extra upkeep cost while inside his body? Why didn't he trace a NP that blocks healing like Gae Bolg or Gae Buide while the enemy was dead and unable to fight back? Your Shirou seems to be as incompetent as he was at the start of the last Holy Grail War, and weaker than even the Fate route version at the end.
PasiveNox chapter 11 . 2/4/2019
its good yeah i cant say much else im yeah its great
LayLay lives chapter 10 . 12/22/2018
Did I tell you how much I am enjoying your story? If not, then I am enjoying your story. Other then a word missing in a couple of sentences it is very well written and everyone seems to be in character according to Fate Lore. Looking forward to more chapters.
LayLay lives chapter 4 . 12/20/2018
If the grail refused Shirou's summoning he or Avalon would not summon Merlin. Avalon is the sheath of Excalibur and belonged to the lady in the Lake. She is powerful in her own right and took Merlin for a ride but she I believe was a pacifist and would probably decline to fight. Shirou probably couldn't summon Heroic spirit Archer because Archer hated himself. He was summoned by Rin because he died with her pendent on his body. I also think (my own personal belief) that Archer answered the call to Rin because of his love for the Rin of his timeline.
PasiveNox chapter 10 . 12/2/2018
ahhhhh avalon hehehe great great
PasiveNox chapter 9 . 12/2/2018
nice bonding
PasiveNox chapter 8 . 12/2/2018
well oh no ahh danmit its so good yeah
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