Reviews for Transfer
Real-Blonde-in-Florida chapter 2 . 3/12/2003
Very good - you write so much about Gabriel and Cole, I'm glad Phoebe had some insight into her special son and the powers they share. Thanks for recognizing that he will always be her baby.
Angel chapter 1 . 3/10/2003
Wow Gerald poor guy trying so hard but darn I'd love an in law like that lol, oh gosh how silly I was actually going to go on and on about mine lol.

Oh no! What's happened to Phoebe? Has he used up his powers to shield her or has sthing gotten through his defences?

I'm laughing so hard at that other language though, you really shouldn't tempt me I'm stuck learning Elvish and refreshing my French yikes!

I just knew something had to go wrong though, right? lol
Evil Angel4 chapter 1 . 3/10/2003
I loved the idea of the turners being azarians! The way you described the angels and all it just remind me of a beautiful manga called escaflowne! have you seen it? Anyway one thing comes to mind after reading this chapter: like father, like son! Indeed I can really well imagine gabriel training his father like cole trained phoebe! Very good! Now what happened to Gabriel's eyes?