Reviews for Neo Battle Brawlers
Amber Is A Fossil chapter 15 . 2/28/2018
Love it! Love the character I created and how you depict her!
Baron chapter 14 . 10/29/2017
Wow… so if she loses her little brother will die :( Man that really makes it hard to root for the good girls of their win means a boy will die.
christinas-fandom-fics chapter 12 . 10/14/2017
You just made me ship two of your OCs which is some serious talent.
Tori the Coviekiller chapter 12 . 10/13/2017
I'm loving this story more and more!
I like the Battle Brawlers' backstories too. I feel for them all :'(

Also I'm curious to see how they'll past their difficulties and problems to finish the fight. Of course, they've got some time before that happens... I think.
Tori the Coviekiller chapter 10 . 10/2/2017
So I'm finally caught up, and I can safely say that I'm enjoying this story more than I expected. I can't wait for my OC to make an appearance. The battle brawlers aren't going to believe how powerful he is. Anyway, keep up the good work! I'll make sure to stick around for the rest of the story!
LEGOboy13000 chapter 10 . 9/30/2017
This is a truly amazing chapter. Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see what happens next.
BarboiOfTheOpera chapter 8 . 9/16/2017
Good, as per usual. Let's see what happens, shall we?
Amber Is A Fossil chapter 8 . 9/16/2017
Awesome chapter!
Barb chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
(Not entirely sure if I submit here, but I actually had the idea of making someone who could be played as a villain, but mostly for laughs until he's actually fighting. Mweh!)
Name: 'Delta' Hokocha
Age: 17
Attribute: Darkus
Sexuality: Male
Bakugan Partner: Darkus Monarus, 580g (Taking this off an actual Monarus I own. Who'da thought my collection would finally come in handy?)
Ability Cards: Blight of the Mask (Adds 10gs to darkus - attributed Bakugan.), Flight of the Mask (Lowers Haos - attributed Bakugan's G-Power by 20.), Slated (Removes ALL G-power bonuses AND subtractions.) (You can edit these however you want, but I thought it'd be a good fit.)
Gate Cards: Monarus (Gives a G-Power boost to any Monarus bakugan.), Mask Break (All G-Power debuffs are removed), Role Switch (Swaps the G-Power of two Bakugan on this card, but only if they are Haos and Darkus.) (Once again, you can change these if necessary.)
Other Bakugan: Darkus Serpenoid (320g), Darkus Phantom (A ghost which resides in a mask. 420g.)
Background: After an incident regarding his sister going missing, he deteriorated mentally to what he is now.
Personality: He -acts- like a joker and someone you couldn't possibly take seriously. Once his façade is gone, however, he can be quite sadistic and cruel. Though he believes wholeheartedly he's fighting for justice, his skewed perception of justice has caused him to join the villain's side. It's stated he's completely emotionless, but in reality his emotions are 'dulled' to an extent, making it hard to feel most emotions. He refuses to fight those who were like he used to be; kind and forgiving, and full of jokes.
Hobbies: Acting, making masks, taking care of his Bakugan.
What happened before Bakugan arrived: He performed minor crimes, and without anyone to support him, his descent to madness came to a head right as he's introduced.
BarboiOfTheOpera chapter 7 . 9/11/2017
Well, this series is looking good! (Sorry for putting that OC submission up on Chapter 1. I realized a bit too late I wasn't supposed to send it there, whoops! Talk about a weird first impression)
I actually thought the fanbase was dead until I came across this, and I like how you're reviving it.
Good luck!
BarboiOfTheOpera chapter 1 . 9/11/2017
So sorry! I forgot to log in when I made my review! ;-;
Once again, I'm unsure if I'm supposed to send a review, or PM you, so I might do both. Sorry if I end up bothering you!
(Not entirely sure if I submit here, but I actually had the idea of making someone who could be played as a villain, but mostly for laughs until he's actually fighting. Mweh!)
Name: 'Delta' Hokocha
Age: 17
Attribute: Darkus
Sexuality: Male
Bakugan Partner: Darkus Monarus, 580g (Taking this off an actual Monarus I own. Who'da thought my collection would finally come in handy?)
Ability Cards: Blight of the Mask (Adds 10gs to darkus - attributed Bakugan.), Flight of the Mask (Lowers Haos - attributed Bakugan's G-Power by 20.), Slated (Removes ALL G-power bonuses AND subtractions.) (You can edit these however you want, but I thought it'd be a good fit.)
Gate Cards: Monarus (Gives a G-Power boost to any Monarus bakugan.), Mask Break (All G-Power debuffs are removed), Role Switch (Swaps the G-Power of two Bakugan on this card, but only if they are Haos and Darkus.) (Once again, you can change these if necessary.)
Other Bakugan: Darkus Serpenoid (320g), Darkus Phantom (A ghost which resides in a mask. 420g.)
Background: After an incident regarding his sister going missing, he deteriorated mentally to what he is now.
Other Bakugan: Darkus Serpenoid (320g,) Darkus Castimonia (A butterfly spirit, encased in a mask. 420g.)
Personality: He -acts- like a joker and someone you couldn't possibly take seriously. Once his façade is gone, however, he can be quite sadistic and cruel. Though he believes wholeheartedly he's fighting for justice, his skewed perception of justice has caused him to join the villain's side. It's stated he's completely emotionless, but in reality his emotions are 'dulled' to an extent, making it hard to feel most emotions. He refuses to fight those who were like he used to be; kind and forgiving, and full of jokes.
Hobbies: Acting, making masks, taking care of his Bakugan.
What happened before Bakugan arrived: He performed minor crimes, and without anyone to support him, his descent to madness came to a head right as he's introduced.
LEGOboy13000 chapter 3 . 9/4/2017
Great job keep up the great work
franciskanneh007 chapter 2 . 9/4/2017
I did enjoy this story
franciskanneh007 chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
I wonder if you will have one team or two teams of Battle Brawlers.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
I hope the Haos Bakugan is a beautifull snake.