Reviews for Metamorphosis
Kitty in the Box chapter 1 . 7/11
You have wonderfully arose to the challenge of composing a fic for each quote and not only have they blended so well together but each situation is as gentle and organic and natural towards their successful love. I especially adore the quotes from Little Birds and Mardy Bryant. they were incredibly resonant and powerful to the senses. thank you for being so brilliant.
AlexisRose84 chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Beautiful. The show didn’t give us this, but you did a wonderful job of it. I almost cried, because it’s so lovely. Thank you for this. It’s wonderful.
theowlandtheunicorn chapter 1 . 9/6/2017
I can't remember coming across many stories as beautiful, heartbreaking and in character as this one. Reading it felt like watching Downton, I could hear their voices in my head and see their expressions and it was so emotional. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece and I hope the bad times are behind you.
silly-beggar chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
This is an absolute masterpiece. Really bloody brilliant. Everything about it was perfect; it was all that was missing in the storywriting following the attack, so eloquently and poetically penned. Thank you!
FadedPromise chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
I'm so sorry you're in a bad place in real life, but I wanted you to know this is outstanding. Thank you for sharing, and I hope things get better for you soon.
addictedtoacertainlifestyle chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
it's so great to hear from you again. but do remember that you can take your time and rest, i can say straight from my heart and from my experience that it takes time. but you will get there. now the fic itself, i think writing about s4 is always interesting, since with every fic comes a new perspective, and i very, very much enjoyed this look into anna's recovery.

your descriptive and detailed storytelling worked brilliantly with the quotes and each scene had an atmosphere of its own, but the feelings on both anna's and john's sides came through easily each time. the image of anna blooming bit by bit was so beautiful, as it told about her progress in a simple but poetic way and it really stood out of the text in my opinion.

the hopeful tone in the story carried all the way through as they grew more and more comfortable with intimacy again and i loved it. the build up to the grand moment was so good to read, too. i adored the sentences of anna feeling strong, even more so than john and how it powerful it made her feel. the whole scene was done so well, i enjoyed it immensely.

and the final scene, oh my how great it was. the last paragraphs gave off so much emotion and truth be told, i started tearing up as i reached the closing lines. your tone of writing in this particular piece does feel slightly different (it may just be me that feels it), but it works out perfectly, making this an amazing experience rather than just a normal fanfic. i want to say a lot more but i can't really form proper sentences anymore. this story might even be my favourite fic of yours from now on. such wonderful, wonderful writing. thank you.
Elva B chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
This is truly wonderful fanfic and seems to fill in all the trials and healing of them both. I can imagine everything that you wrote as being a true summary of all they both have been through?You are a wonderful sensitive writer and I thank you ,keep writing .
Awesomegreentie chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Amazing story. I so wish this is what we had gotten to see on screen instead of the focus being on Greene. Brendan and Jo would have knocked this out of the park, which is a baseball expression that means they would have nailed it.
lemacd chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
S4 fics break my heart. and yet I can't help but think that we can't have too many of them. You've captured the emotional turmoil that John experienced before and after he found out what happened. But you also didn't wallow in the guilt and blame (it's there and of course it would be, but I believe John would put that aside to focus on Anna's needs). I like that you had her lose her temper, feel bad for it, that you have Anna take control of their intimacy (the first sign that we will have our Anna back, that she declares how it will be and brooks no argument against). Sure she is scared, but determined. And John is honest with his wants and fears. These two are just the perfect couple. The end is the best, though, seeing herself in the mirror with her husband and son in the background, seeing the wife and mother "and above all a woman" staring back. She has all the wonderful things in her life because she fought for it all. Yes, they are all blessings and she is grateful, but she's earned all the good things with her pain and tears, with her patience and her strong will for it to be. Ugh. love this ship so much and this story is why.
Isis the dog chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
It is very telling that John blamed himself for Anna’s abandonment of him. He could never think of a scenario where she was to blame. I am not sure how he held himself to gather during the time Anna lived at the Abbey. He became a very desperate man. Anna was suffering just as much but at least she knew why she was keeping herself away from John.

How can John bear to see the empty shell that Anna has become. All the life of her has been sucked out from no fault of her own. To think that Anna had to heal herself physically and emotionally after the attack is nigh on impossible. John can only be there for her to lean on during this terrible time. Their despair is palpable. Your words are so powerful too. John will be Anna’s punching bag as long as he needs to be. It just shows the depths of his love for her. They are suffering together, but in different ways. John certainly has a way with words and Anna sees the truth in them.

Anna grasping at anything she can to move forward in her life is positive. Her love for John is something solid and tangible for her. A physical attack taints every aspect of the person’s life. There is nowhere for them to find peace as they cannot escape themselves. John and Anna have found their own way forward and they did it together and that’s what counts. As if the only reason Anna would wake John was because something was wrong? Ahhh Anna wonders how nay woman could resist John :) *sighs* Oh no! Communicate Banna! It sounds like John has done some research into a woman’s reaction to being sexually assaulted. What a nightmare and one that goes on and on. You are doing such an incredible job showing both sides of this issue and how difficult it is for a couple to move on with their lives. Everything needs a starting place.

Banna are so happy with their progress together :) I am sure they long for the times when it is just the two of them together. Jimmy was a prat! Ivy is a dimwit though. John must be torturing himself trying to deny his desire for Anna. Just because he desires her does not make him selfish, it only makes him human. So sad. Anna is so strong and John is going to find out just how much. It is mind blowing that John can even perform under so much pressure. Your body doesn’t always listen to your mind in these things. Hooray the smell of victory!

Anna’s strength continues to amaze me. John’s patience is born of pure love for Anna. Success! Anna knowing it is she who will have to guide John through their resumption of martial relations is just as it should be. It is almost as if they are both being reborn in these moments. The love and joy they are experiencing must be too much to contain within their bodies. They are both survivors and winners.

Anna being arrested for Green’s murder is the lamest plot ever. You weave it into your wonderful story perfectly though. You are a marvel. Oh my, John crying after waking from a nightmare is heartbreaking. After everything they have been through he finally breaks down in front of Anna. Of course they can talk about anything they are feeling and thinking without judgement or fear. I love these two!

I adore this quote from Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. Could a little one be loved more? Anna has to convince John he is worthy of having their son named after him? After all they have been through together he still thinks he is not worthy? The ending of this story nearly undid me. The strength of Anna’s spirit and the unwavering support from John won out over pure evil. Yes, Anna is a warrior full of life and love and power. Thank you so much for posting this amazing, uplifting story!

PS: I wish you all the best and hope things turn around for you.
Skeeter0003 chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Wow! An amazing story taking us through the much heartache and yet so much love that sees them through ...and best ending with little baby Bates! Love they call him Jack after John perfect