Reviews for Gundam Wing Meets Guyver
Doffman chapter 2 . 6/1/2001
Seems like there's alot of the plot still unexpossed. I won't pass judgement just yet.
Anon chapter 1 . 4/3/2001
Very nice, to answer the question at the bottom of the review page: The guyver unit takes all it's nesesary energy from the host, thus the host's cells can barely function, let alone multiply. The unit however, prevents them from dieing, so they don't divide, damage is instantly repaired, and thus the host doesn't die or age.
Forrest G. Booth Jr chapter 2 . 2/8/2001
!Please finish this i have to know what happend
Forrest G. Booth Jr chapter 1 . 2/8/2001
I really love the story line. I am waiting for the next chapter please write it soon. I love the introduction of Guvyer3 being alone but there to help out and put a serious hurt on Chronos.
Gabe Ricardtoo lax ta sign in chapter 1 . 12/4/2000
This was much better then your Tenchi fic. Still way too short though I hope you finish this up as its off to a pretty good start. 7/10
Otaku King chapter 1 . 11/30/2000
not question the hell were sho fukimachi and agito makishima able to live until AC-195?

unless they went into cryo sleep, it would have been impossible.