Reviews for Truth To Be Told
KadeBear chapter 12 . 6/30
Argh once again the stress is hella getting to me. I freaking love this fic! All I want is for the mc to have a happy ending, but the angst is making the read much more enjoyable, keep up the fantastic work!
KadeBear chapter 6 . 6/30
Holy shit this fic is stressing me out, and I love it
Fenris chapter 41 . 5/12
Is this story abandoned?
Asuka1920 chapter 41 . 5/8
Loved reading this!
It’s a completely different turn to other OC stories and that made me love it. I gets old when you read the same thing over and over again with only a new character. You’ve done very well.
I can’t wait to read more!
Boggie445 chapter 25 . 4/20
There is nothing fucking wrong with team Natsu. We all desire chaos
Boggie445 chapter 15 . 4/18
I am indifferent to colu. I think their relationship is built on haressing each other but that can work in anime so I dont doubt it. I actually liked the clock arc, but understand why you arent doing it. I enjoy the story and hope to read more.
Stellar Orbit chapter 5 . 2/14
Stellar Orbit chapter 4 . 2/14
I like the relationship Cobra and Truth have. VERY funny XDDDD

Stellar Orbit chapter 3 . 2/11
Loved it and the Seis were perfect. Except for Brain WHO I GREATLY HATE.
Stellar Orbit chapter 2 . 2/5
I admit, I’d like to see their dead bodies.
Stellar Orbit chapter 1 . 2/3
I always laugh when she asks “am I gonna die?” XD

I always loved how blunt Kaelys was.

Damn the girl has killer instincts.

Probably the 5th time I’ve read this but I can’t freaking help it. It’s so wonderful and I really hope you continue this at some point or another.
R.K.Stryker chapter 41 . 2/1
Ahh I really love this story.
I usually never write reviews but here we go.
The character development of Kae was amazing and well done. You didn’t even make the characters ooc, you really got their personalities down. You even made me sob full on tears on a couple of parts of the story. Love the friendship between Erik and Kae, their banter is always hilarious. I Don’t know if you already made official of who to pair Kae with but if not I’m voting for the ship between Her and Sting.
There’s more I want to say about this story but I’ll just write it next time
Diate chapter 1 . 1/29
i'm reading the pursuit with a battle themed Fairy Tail soundtrack, it's cool
cassianaswindell123 chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
Alexandria's genesis isnt a real thing.
Foalan21 chapter 41 . 11/26/2019
beautiful story. I eagerly await the next chapter.
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