Reviews for The Westerosi II: Subprime Directives
Barona chapter 29 . 7/25
Really enjoy your stories! The knowledge seeking of Star Trek with the mystery of GoTand not using advanced technology to ROFLStomp the “Postclassical” society. Very well done!
Wanderer Chronicles chapter 29 . 6/14
Man, I wouldn't have thought these franchises would fit so well together, but you're doing a great job with it. Your writing is engaging and entertaining, you have a great voice for the characters both canon and original, and the changes you've made to Trek are interesting in the extreme. Very much looking forward to future installments.
Andromedanaea chapter 1 . 4/20
I was hoping quarantine might give you time to write
TheChairIsAgainstTheWall chapter 29 . 4/19
This story just keeps getting better and better. Go, you!
Yeah chapter 12 . 12/13/2019
Cat even with your backing it would bring ruin to our house!
Star fleet hold our scanners
yeah chapter 4 . 12/13/2019
after the public support ı do wonder what would people of federation would do if hasegawa were to die...ı am seeing some good old fashion vengence
Prapika chapter 29 . 11/5/2019
Oh my, what a great story!
So, I just started to read your story a few days ago, and I just couldn't stop reading it! It's great, it's new (at least for me), it's interesting and even really funny sometimes. And it's such a joy to let myself sink in your story. I mean, I am familiar with the world of asoiaf (mostly through the got series, sorry), but i'm not an hardcore fan, and i'm absolutely not a sci-fi specialist, so i didn't grasp the majority of the SF references. But that didn't let me out of the plot. And that's great. Because, most of the time, when I read a fanfic from a fandom that i'm not familiar with, I get lost. And, I mean, it's obvious. Fanfictions are made by fans, for fans. So, if your not a fan, then, well, it's not for you, and your lost. But sometimes, the ideas, the plot, the characters, or, more generally, the writing skills let you enter the story, even if you now barely nothing about the fandom. (I mean, the very first fanfic that I had read a few years ago was an AU Naruto story, and I've NEVER watched and cared about Naruto, and it was glorious!). So yeah, what I try to say with my crappy english, is that, because Jade is such a good character, because your writing is interesting and immersive, and the plot is great and addictive, I don't care if I didn't recognize a few names, places and historical asoiaf things. And if the meaning of verteron, or any other Jade's technical vocabulary is quite lost on me, I don't care either. I get it, it's an Sci-fi thing, a concept and a reference that I can't grasp, but that doesn't throw me out of the story, and that's all that matters for me.
So, hum, yeah, a lot of words to say something pretty simple, but I hope it's clear.

Just a few other things: I LOVE Jade. Like, she is great and I care about her.
Thank you, I've learned a new english word: "ruefully". You use it so much, it's literally forever engraved in my mind, so now I can use it and pretend i'm someone who properly learned english and knows fancy words.
The way you handle the original characters from asoiaf is great. I love Sarella. Joffrey is wonderfully despicable. And you killed the Mountain. That was great character development. ;)
And finally, the moment I saw that Shaka Ponk was on your playlist, I was, "this is a great story and turns out the author has also great musical taste, so that's even better".

Well, I hope that wasn't too long and too much of an grammatical and phrasing nightmare to read. I'll wait eagerly for the next chapters.
Clear skies and clearer mind (whoa, i'm such a poet...),
star.ranger4 chapter 29 . 11/5/2019
And so the forces of all sides continue to draw closer to the inevitable. And even though our protagonist thinks one thing, I find it interesting that the triggering event happens while she was in the house of horrors. (yes, that was intentional) And that the revealed bit of builder tech wants to talk to a land long desolated...
Guest chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Guest chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Great chapter and may I say how nice it is to see this story updated again.

I much prefer this chapter over the previous ones, which has much to do with the structure. As much as I like Jade her current storyline simply isn't that interesting. Not because of your writing mind you. Her parts are as entertaining as can be given the subject, but the other plotlines are simply more interesting. Going forward I hope you continue in the same vein.

The conclave are understandably completely wrong-footed and now scramble to find answers to the question they know are coming. The Faith getting more active will also no doubt be important.

Jaime's PoV. It is good to see that the Westerlands Lords and Knights see the problem with running after Stark, who while having committed treason ISN'T currently a threat, instead of going against Renly who very much IS a direct and immediate threat to Joffrey's rule.

I still can't say whether Tywin's decision in that regard is born out of wounded pride, conventional manipulation on Euron's part or more sinister arcane manipulation, again done by Euron. Or a combination of all the above. Which is probably exactly what you looked for.

So the Red Comet is in reality some Builder tech. That isn't coming as a surprise. Question is of course what this particular piece of tech does. Also road trip to Valyria coming up next. Yeah.

And of course let's not forget Eastwatch. Watching Pyke interact with Tormund or really any the Free Folk leaders is something I could do all day. On a sidenote I hope we get to see similar interactions involving the Greatjon, Ned and Maege Mormonts daughters (who doesn't want to see what happens when some fool wildling tries to steal these woman). Or even better Roose creeping out even the most hardened Free Folk leaders.

Lastly there is the arrival of Aegon. I was looking forward to it for a while, through I am not complaining, amassing the army, finding ships and making the voyage are time-consuming endeavors. That is going to send some waves. Ned will almost certainly have to travel to meet him. He can't simply ignore this army. Stannis will grind his teeth to dust no doubt. Joffrey also won't be pleased and very likely give Euron leave to do something drastic (not that the Crow-eye's need anyone's leave or permission to do anything).

All in all the best chapter in a while. Thanks for your good work.

Until next time.
Luna chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Guest01 chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
I like comets.
shahriar.ahmet chapter 29 . 11/3/2019
Interesting. So Argon Blackfyre finally makes his move.
osterreicher97 chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Oh here we go... and lol, the Lannisters are still being delusional.
ficreader2011 chapter 29 . 11/2/2019
Finally Fake Aegon is here.
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