Reviews for Once a Hero
Fives CT 55555 chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Damn, this is good! I guess people just arent that interested in WW2, but in my eyes, you deserve more attention for this.
the dark god chapter 9 . 12/21/2018
I loved your story. Nico is my favorite character and I have always been interested in AU of this type and it is good to find one with such quality.
I'm excited to see the meeting between Nico and Bianca.
Blue Wolf 0 chapter 1 . 2/20/2018
I couldn't help but cry after I got to the part of them starting to treat him like that his sister leaving him that... is unfair to the poor kid, poor Nico. *cries* Poor Nico. *cries some more*
sarahgri99 chapter 6 . 1/4/2018
loving this so far! can't wait for more!
Quihi chapter 6 . 12/29/2017
Oh, poor Nico. This actually sucks for him. My opinion of Chiron is… mixed. He's in a difficult position. Good chapter!
Quihi chapter 5 . 9/11/2017
Oh wow, I didn't expect Nico to go to the Underworld so soon. It's kind of exciting that he's found his power but kinda terrifying that he's immediately planning to summon his friend. Peter is quickly becoming my least favorite character. This is why the chariot races were stopped. I think you wrote Hades pretty well.
Migale chapter 4 . 9/10/2017
This story is so cool. I hope you will update soon. It's sad that nobody likes Nico. It's a child, not Hitler. I totally love history and World War II is one of my favorite era, but I'm from Poland, so nothing surprisingCheers it writing
Quihi chapter 4 . 9/9/2017
Oh, poor Nico. I feel so bad for him being trapped with World War II. There is excellent reason for the other campers to distrust him, but it still sucks for Nico, since he's torn between the two sides.

It's good that Nico is settling into Camp Half-Blood. I appreciate that you have a character who gradually improves at stuff with training instead of being instantly good or perpetually terrible. It feels a little like there should be line breaks just after "And Nico woke with a sob" and just before "Camp Half-Blood seemed to be granted…" I'm a bit worried about what Apollo is doing at Camp. Does it have anything to do with the curse on the Oracle? (I just thought of that and I can't remember quite where it fits in the timeline.)
Quihi chapter 3 . 8/27/2017
This is really good! I like it. It's a really interesting look at if Hades had sent them somewhere other than the Lotus Casino. (Also I'm kind of excited to see a sort of classic single-point-divergent strict AU in PJO fanfic.) I think the characterizations and just the fic in general just feel consistent and like they'd fit in the PJO universe. (Though I'm slightly disappointed in Chiron for leaving James in charge after he refused to accept Nico.) I'm curious to see who's in cabin one. Nice job; I'm looking forward to reading more!