Reviews for Of oaths and freedom
Faith O chapter 4 . 9/8/2019
Love this story-the dialogues feel real.
Faith O chapter 16 . 7/27/2019
I don't hate this chapter. I think you are exactly right that having killed someone he loved would destroy Jon. I thought the way the TV series ended was off-kilter somehow, since Jon was so obviously supposed to be king.
Hope things are going better for you. You're a good writer.
ginar369 chapter 16 . 6/16/2019
Sorry about the family stuff. I loved the chapter. I think it was fitting that Jamie ended another mad Targaryen. And that Cersei was killed by Qyburn.
onetreefan chapter 16 . 6/16/2019
So so good! I loved the brotherhood that was built between Jamie and Jon. So glad they were both able to return home to Winterfell.
TheFourBroomsticks chapter 15 . 5/21/2019
Wow! I really liked your version. Cersei really deserved to die knowing everyone had betrayed her, and Jaime telling her that he loved Brienne.
Samantha chapter 15 . 5/20/2019
Be careful about things such as content and legalities, but a nicer ending for Jaime and Brienne is very welcome, though I do also prefer a happier one for Daenerys as well.
iluvaqt chapter 15 . 5/20/2019
I admire what you’ve do with this story. Who says that canon has to be the only story we embrace? Yes, we all watched it but ultimately in the universe that George created, it’s just fan fiction on a grand scale. It doesn’t in any way invalidate the story and vision you have for the characters. Don’t let what someone saw as the characters fate, invalidate yours. Fiction exists to challenge our imagination. Don’t let anyone destroy your creativity. I hope you can shake off the sadness and embrace the light that is opportunity to tell a different story.
LunaFlos chapter 7 . 5/20/2019
ginar369 chapter 15 . 5/20/2019
Please I really need something better than what we got. And what you have is so much better.
WIWJ chapter 13 . 5/10/2019
I agree that Jamie would feel compelled to protect jon because he couldn't protect the other two.
AnnC chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
I loved the Jaime/Jon bonding part. It makes so much sense that Jaime would feel protective of Rhaegar's son! The show runners have completely destroyed the plot this season. Nothing makes sense anymore. I'm devastated. And fanfictions is all we can lean on to stay sane at this point!
I love ur story so much! Can't wait to read the next chapters! Thank u for writing! 3
ginar369 chapter 14 . 5/9/2019
I thought it was an excellent chapter.

I am furious about the last episode as well. There have been some leaks online and if they are true I'm going to be so pissed I might pop a blood vessel.
ginar369 chapter 13 . 5/4/2019
Well even if he had manged to stop the Mountain from killing Elia and her children it would have been for nothing. Aerys would have torched the city and they would have all died.
ginar369 chapter 12 . 5/4/2019
I'm so glad he woke up!
anja.quickert.9 chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
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