Reviews for A tale of two sisters
The Hotness Of Sesshoumaru chapter 47 . 6/25
OMG! Please update soon! I just discovered this doc and binged read it in two days! I absolutely love it!
Swiggs chapter 47 . 6/14
This story is amazing!
I can’t believe that you ended it at that cliffhanger T_T and I can’t believe that the story is almost over my ol’ heart can’t take it!
renandkishan.nmr chapter 47 . 6/6
Hey dear, please continue! I love it. ️
GM NASAI chapter 47 . 4/22
How evil of you. On the other hand I completely understand this plot twist but I still dont like it. I'm just spitballing here because this idea won't leave me alone. I imagine that the Tensaiga didnt work because maybe she had already died and come back? Like when she was in the accident? Sasshomaru could have been living all those years and became an EMT and rescuing Chibi Chiharu after the car accident and brought her back because he wanted past Sesshomaru to meet her because he remembered her and maybe sort of did have feelings for her. As we all know he does. But that's just what I've been thinking.
Rin244 chapter 47 . 3/31
I love this story. Thank you for writing it. I've re-read it a couple of times already.
peygoodwin chapter 47 . 2/27
Emocean chapter 3 . 2/24
Ah! I remember this! Whoa, I found it again!
khTomoe chapter 47 . 1/26
AHHH The worst kind of cliffhanger! PLEASE UPDATE
Guest chapter 47 . 1/5
That was sooo good. But no inuyasha/Chiharu ending. She needs to be with seashomaru
Lady Luck chapter 47 . 12/7/2019
I love love this story! Please keep updating, i read too fast as it is, and now I'm left hanging for more. Hope you update soon!
SesshyxKagomeLover chapter 47 . 12/4/2019
Damn... Sesshomaru should have listened to us XD now look... She's dead
Shikadoru chapter 47 . 11/23/2019
And something just occurred to me why the Tenseiga May night have worked. She could have died in that car wreck with her father by was revived. I think that could be one possibility and it would also make sense too.

I can not wait for the next chapter. The image of InuYasha crying over Chiharu’s dead body haunts me until then. Bring tears to my eyes every time. Love Chiharu.
Shikadoru chapter 47 . 11/23/2019
Finally caught up and can not get enough of this story. The death of Chiharu brought tears to my eyes and the reaction from InuYasha and Sesshomaru yanked at my heart. This story is so beautiful.
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
Haaa. Great first chapter!
Guest chapter 47 . 11/11/2019 forward for the next chapter, update soon! :) :)
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