Reviews for Nursing a Frozen Heart
Kirst614 chapter 1 . 5/15/2018
Please continue, I love this!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Update please!
retrinazambrano chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
Amazing - I love hospital au fics! And I’m dying to know what happens next...! Also, Robin and regina’s trysts sound hot as hell!
brookeAp3 chapter 1 . 11/27/2017
I am totally hooked on this au already. I loved it. Angsty and feelsy in all the right ways and I adore jealous and possessive Regina, especially when she doesn't want to be that way. Can't wait to see how you continue this!
APA0927 chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
read this again! i hope you'll continue this. you're off to a good start
unremembered-sunsets chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
Absolutely fantastic. Wow, the ending... I can’t wait to read more. Great work.
Queen-of-the-Merry-Men chapter 1 . 9/25/2017
Oh my god! What's happening? What was the call about? I have so many questions!
phoenixshine chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
quite the interesting story you wrote there! It fits Regina's type to set ground rules in order not to get attached to someone she's working with, as it also fits that she breaks them lol! I love that Anna is also part of this story, I truly love that character both in the movies and the show, and I can't wait to see what on earth happened! good work! :)
rainj chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
Is chapter available now? can't wait what will happen next...
audreyslove chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
Ooh this was great and I'm so excited for chapter 2! Regina was very in character as was Robin! and I like the hospital AU theme.
Meli chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
Oh that ending left me intrigued. Can't wait for next update
soligblomma chapter 1 . 8/27/2017
Cliffhanger nooo. It probably has something to do with Robin but what exactly? Or is it even Roland? I'm intrigued. Jealous Regina is kinda adorable and her closed-off nature is heartbreaking but understandable. I'm glad Robin gets under her skin although she would never admit it of course.
joyndoug97 chapter 1 . 8/26/2017
Oh no! What happened? I'm on the edge of my seat.
MGstars chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
I haven't even read the story and I love the title already XD

I really appreciate the way you've described Regina's life. It totally fits a cardiosurgeon actually. I like that you give a reason to her inability to love anymore, that it is related to her father's death. It's not only because she's addicted to work (that couldn't have been the only reason), there's a deeper explanation and it's a good one.

I like that she's jealous, yet doesn't want to accept it, ignores it and focuses on her rules, rules that instantly reminds her that SHE gave Robin the right to see anyone he wants. Even though I'm almost certain there's nothing going on with that Anna, but you had to spice things up, of course!

One little thing : I don't understand why there was a separation in the middle of Robin's train of thoughts instead of between Regina's and the moment you switched to his. It's nothing, but it startled and confused me a bit in my reading.

"Maybe if he gets a little more of her, he'll be able to let her go more easily"
Yeah, keep fooling yourself XD The more you get, the more you want, Robin. Poor baby. At least he's starting to realize it doesn't work that way. But I love that he is the Robin we know, caring and respectful, smart and perceptive. He's exactly what Regina needs and she's too blind to see it yet (but I have a feeling that will change)

I totally wasn't expecting him to have noticed Regina spying on him and realizing her change of mood at the sight of him with Anna. That was a good twist!
A problem though : is she a nurse or an intern? Because both aren't the same, the intern is a doctor-to-be, so I don't really understand what's Anna's position because you used both qualifications.

Also, I don't really know how it works in the USA, but I know here it's forbidden to bring children under 15 to see patients (people do it but it's forbidden) because it can actually shock them. Especially in a cardiosurgery service full of machines and wires, transfusions and people in a really bad state. So I'm not certain Robin would be allowed to bring his son to visit patients.

About Robin's remark to Regina : I'm actually glad that she doesn't fight him. She tells him to leave but she doesn't deny it, doesn't get pissed and yell at him. Instead, she's very well aware that he's read right through her and somehow, even if she doesn't want to, she knows there's nothing she can do against it. It freaks her out, but I prefer to see her freeze like you wrote her than going all evil on him knowing perfectly it would have led nowhere.

I like how you incorporated a bit of the show with Snow spilling out Regina and Daniel's relationship to Cora, and with that give us more insight into Regina's reasons for staying away from love.

I can't really explain why, but i really enjoyed the short exchange between Regina and Robin as he was rushing to help for an emergency.
A question though : is Robin working night shifts? I think I understood that your story was happening at night (end of the night). I just want to be sure because unlike doctors, nurses aren't supposed to work both day and night in a row, they have schedules and it's usually only nights shifts or days shifts. So that means they'd only see each other during Regina's night shifts. I'm just trying to understand.

Of course you had to end this with a cliffhanger ! I have a few theories in mind but I've learned that it's hard to find out exactly what the author has planned so I'm gonna wait patiently until you post the second part (especially that I know I won't have to wait long!)
oncerfan4life chapter 1 . 8/24/2017
ahhhh, cliff hanger! luv it
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