Reviews for Purple Kisses
Guest chapter 24 . 6/30
I so fucking hate that silly bitch Jessica SHOULD MURDER RIGHT AWAY
austin-flare-potter chapter 78 . 4/28
thanks for this story man you made me like Kevin, it's a miracle.
I always thought Kilgraves morality was interesting basically he didn't have any. I mean the idea of consent does not exist for him coz everyone wants what he orders you to want. Can you maybe include this angle too? I mean a kid with absolute power is terrifying especially an abused experimented one.
BritishShowReference chapter 77 . 3/18
I have never reviewed before, but I just wanted to say:
This was the most beautiful story I have ever read, I kid you not. This story made me cry, laugh, be angry, be sad, be delighted, and I talked about it so much that just mentioning JJ makes my friends run away screaming in horror :D
I thank you for this wonderful adventure I've been through thanks to you, and before I keep being so DRAMATIC and embarrassing myself, i'll say: "Thank you again, you're an amazing writer and I hope you keep going with all your amzing stories. I'm off, searching for every story you wrote I can find :)" and shut up.
Theisaryz Eufuelle chapter 1 . 2/2
I need to tell you this: this fanfic FELT so good. My heart was pacing, I was breathless, and then I was so satisfied by the end.
There were some Doctor Who references (oncoming storm lol) which I enjoyed.
I adore your Kilgrave and Jessica very much. And your OCs were good too.
Story is well paced, characters were charming and believable, and no one is too over-the-top. Honestly, I couldn't put it down.
This review is my honest opinion and this fanfiction is a definite favorite.
Papu chapter 40 . 1/30
I can’t read this anymore. The story has gone off the rails. It started great but now its just not my cup of tea.
Papu chapter 38 . 1/30
Kind of hate Jessica right now. Even more than Ruby or Kilgrave. She is as stupid as the rest of them.
httydfangirl123 chapter 76 . 1/3
Ok, so since I haven't reviewed up until now I thought I'd give you one longer review at the end. Here goes. So first off, amazing story. I don't really know how else to put it. I think this is the longest fanfiction I've ever read because normally fanfiction as long as this drags on and can't hold my attention. Yours begs to differ. I also don't tend to like stories with smut in. Yours begs to differ. Your writing is so good and emotive that you got me to LOATH Ruby (an emotion I don't think I've ever felt so strong for a fictional character) stay hooked for the whole past week I've been reading the fic, and be close to tears when Kilgrave died. And although I'm not happy that he did die (I'm a happy ending sort of person lol and I do kinda ship Kilgrave and Jessica, especially after the stuff you wrote) it does make sense. And that's something I want to compliment you on. Your planning and writing because everything just make sense. Your plot is AMAZING. As is everything else in your story. I don't really know how to say it any other way.
So thank you for your story, is what I guess I'm trying to say.
Cheers, httydfangirl123
raizamaia chapter 78 . 11/23/2019
Luna, thanks for all the work! Your story was amazingly well made and beautiful.
Love you
Guest chapter 3 . 10/11/2019
Glad to have read this chapter and have had my comment on chapter 2 built upon. The idea that Jessica's personality to exert freedom under his control is good back ground leading into her later personality of her current situation you made for her.
She is going into it again aware this time of what is in store, and she in her new later evolved person, could still turn it around and possibly still achieve her experiment.
It is an intriguing line of story to follow. I will look forward to seeing how you do with it.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/11/2019
I have to admit, I don't comment often but I will touch on one point that impressed me.
Because when reading Kil/Jones fic, so many people focus on kilgraves intentions from there and the obvious attatchments with that scenario. But at no point have I, and I know many others, ever thought to wonder if Jess could turn Kilgrave's intentions around while under his influence nor better yet, to make this a good idea in his own mind.
Despite it being a whole part of the 1st series, with Jessica attempting to make Kilgrave see the alternative side to his abilities, not once have I thought about that being a possibility under different circumstances.
When you wrote of Kilgrave asking the question I honestly wondered with little to no expectations, what the answer would be despite the question actually being clever, and yet when you finally wrote "Be-be normal...", I have to say I was impressed. It is a line of thought that never occurred to me that the influence could be reversed.
So I dropped here to say bravo on that. It's truly a genuine line of story worth considering.
Black Magic99 chapter 30 . 8/20/2019
this is honestly a terrifying story and im not sure how you do it. you have someone trying to stop a god from doing everything he wants and its your like and everyone else on the line. on top of that said person has a gray mentality and a oceans worth of baggage... from said god.

there is a self insert story and while terrifying is basically "how disturbingly cool would it be to be the god" this one is how horribly terrible would it be if you were the person"

I still got like 40 ch and i hope jess doesnt fall for kilgrave, at worst i could accept hopeless acceptance. anything more (of her own will) i just cant see
Nene chapter 20 . 8/15/2019
This story is so good.
Vix chapter 78 . 7/1/2019
LOVED THIS. SOOO GOOD. Fab plot, really enjoyed. Thanks for writing.
Anonymous chapter 76 . 5/4/2019
My first fan fic and this is truest amazing, I haven’t sat down and read for 4 years and I love the feeling of reading again, why do they always end up with kilgrave dead!? Lol
Well done and I will go and cry now.
OfADemonCrowley chapter 75 . 4/25/2019
Im crying and I’m not ashamed to say it. This was brilliant! I’ve been reading it non stop.
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