Reviews for Even if You Cannot Hear My Voice
Inquisitivex90 chapter 32 . 4/28
So I cannot believe it took me this long to find this! It was beautifully written and I just had o finish it!
You did an amazing job!
Ive always been a huge fan of The Hunger Games; books and movies.
Thank you for writing this. Im adding it to my favorite Hunger Games Stories Collection.
Now im on to the next book :)
96th Scorpio chapter 8 . 10/30/2019
I love Katniss and Finnick's friendship.
Angel Eyed Vampire chapter 20 . 6/14/2019
God this is beautiful. This is what the book should have been
Angel Eyed Vampire chapter 13 . 6/14/2019
HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS? I'm CRYING at the brilliance of this. I want to PRINT THIS OUT AND MAKE IT A BOOK
GreenThumbTarasova chapter 23 . 2/22/2019
Katniss knew Peeta needed Effie. I LOVE it! That was beautiful. And Katniss and her mom as well.
GreenThumbTarasova chapter 20 . 2/22/2019
Your comforting Joanna scene is completely beautiful. You did a fantastic job writing this.
shade5280 chapter 20 . 1/9/2019
I'm so late with these stories but I love what you've done here with all the Victor's and adding Gale as well. it's beautiful
shade5280 chapter 13 . 1/9/2019
Fucking love the end of this chapter. Just awesome. Thank you
shade5280 chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
I thoroughly enjoy your subtle changes to the story. You add a nice uniqueness that separates yours from the others. I'm so glad I found you :D
MariamJabeen chapter 32 . 1/5/2019
When Peeta says "come home to me," I thinks

Where I told you to run so we'd both be free
martinajones84 chapter 13 . 10/19/2018
I have been bingeing my way through this series and the final lines of this chapter have probably been my favorite. Such a great story!
Lovelytothebone chapter 31 . 10/1/2018
Sometimes I get so caught up in reading that I forget to comment. Honestly this was just as angsty as the actual book. It also had the right amount and perfect tone of humou as well. This divergence is almost worse than canon because they built so much together before his hijacking. Hopefully on the next book i can pay better attention to comment on specific stuff because you're truly a wonderful writer.
Lovelytothebone chapter 13 . 9/30/2018
You are killing me
Lovelytothebone chapter 8 . 9/30/2018
Brilliant with the poppies and the poem/song
Amanthya chapter 32 . 8/14/2018
I love the mix of canon and original, it keeps layers already there and adds more depth to them. I love how you handle Johanna's relationship with everyonr, and Annie, too. Boggs and his daughter. Paylor. Lyme. I never even think of them in canon, and you make them real. I love Xander's friendship with Peeta. You make other things more real, too, like Peeta's squad being pissed he lost them the wargame, Beetee's social awkwardness/obliviousness. I have loved the subtle hints, beginning long before this, of Haymitch's and Effie's feelings. I really, really like your series.
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