Reviews for Rude Awakening
A.R.O.B2000 chapter 19 . 9/7
This crap is to corny...I give up this shit is not for me the mc is total jerkass with psychological issues...and filled to the brim with inferiority complex plus paradoxes...what the fuck man?! What have you smoked when you made his character?!
Zack Sager chapter 1 . 8/31
thanks for warning :)
leaving now
drkprince chapter 1 . 8/31
so that author is a pussy
Steelrain66 chapter 21 . 8/22
Hope you pick this back up one day, its really good.
KUUHAKU007 chapter 2 . 7/22
really?at chapter 2 and already revealing his secret...what a fucking joke
Brandon Boodoo chapter 1 . 2/25
Lol EVERYONE does this shit with freed and NOBODY writes them returning the torture he does to their mc back to him... if you gonna sit there and write this bullshit just quit before you piss people off.
aGnamZer0 chapter 3 . 1/8
So this far, it wasn't a bad read. Unfortunately, I really don't like the ability of the Nightmare Masque. For me, the best form that can have a badass MC is exactly his original form. The best way to make him badass is for him not to have to transform each time he wants more power. Basically, the DBZ trope of when Super Saiyan doesn't work, I'll just do Super Saiyan II or III or even God. Well, for DBZ it's more or less OK since it's only the aura and the hair/eyes color, but in your case, it's a full body transformation (except the chest, I read your wiki) and in mythological creatures. The worst being the side effects of the mask.

So yeah, this has really put me down. I think I will stop here, but know that I really do think your fic has great potential.

Good continuation.
aGnamZer0 chapter 2 . 1/8
Well, I'm actually surprised myself that I so much enjoyed the chapter (the first part mainly).

You see, and that's the last time I'll say it, I promise, or else it'll look like I'm complaining, but I don't like when the MC becomes a devil and even less when it's in Rias Gremory's peerage. Main reason : I don't like Rias Gremory. Second reason, I don't like devils. Their wings, like the dog man so well said, are not beautiful, they're weak to holy powers and like the three Christian Factions, they're not uniques (unlike gods or dragons).

Now that I said it, the other point I think is a pity is that he revealed the truth about him. It would probably have been better to keep him for himself, like his ultimate secret. You said his acts would mainly reflect what you would have done in that situation. Would you really have revealed this ? Because I know that, had it been me, I would have kept this secret in my tomb (and considering this DxDverse with nearly eternal lifespans, it would have taken a long, very long time).
aGnamZer0 chapter 1 . 1/8
Well, I will admit that I'm pretty bored of the ORC. What's more, I don't like Rias (you can yell at me and insult me as much as you want, it won't change).

However, the story definitely is interesting. You didn't do a self-insert where you just replace the MC's soul, you traveled with your body, your flaws... I find it very interesting.

So, just because the originality of the plot, I'll read

But I won't lie to you, I would have prefered if he joined another faction, be it from gods (shintoist for exemples), dragons (I know they are nearly all on the bad side, but if you had managed to somehow make him meet Great Red it would have been fun, though indeed less realistic) or any other faction existent that isn't the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels and Chaos Brigade.
Kyr13Nemea chapter 21 . 10/2/2019
Truly a pity that you have entered the dreaded state known as 'Hiatus'.Welp
Kyr13Nemea chapter 10 . 10/2/2019
Honestly Nightmare Masque could have been named Nightmare Masquerade, a name that could have more abilities based on the name itself... Hmmm if "Breakdown the Beast" is the equal of Juggernaut Drive maybe Nightmare Masquerade could've been theequal to Issei's Balance Breaker Scale Mail, but eh a shame your in Hiatus welp. Cheerio~~
Guest chapter 2 . 9/27/2019
I thought he was going to have Tobio sacred gear since it’s a dog...
bloobloo2334 chapter 2 . 9/12/2019
Honestly the story started good, but the Mc dropping the "Came from another world, I know thy future thing!" completely ruined it imo. Especially when that is answered with anything besides "You're batshit insane". I mean Rias just fuckin rolled with finding out someone wrote out her entire life?

It completely breaks my suspension of disbelief, and even if the rest of the story is superb I can't read it. I hope you enjoy writing it though!
CorruptedFlame chapter 6 . 8/24/2019
Ahhhh... Why is Rias literally lecturing Raynare on what Issei's Sacred Gear 'Achtually' is?

I don't think I can read anymore of this, it's got good grammar, and following the Dxd plot has saved you, but I swear all the 'original' stuff is so bad... I just can't go on.
CorruptedFlame chapter 6 . 8/24/2019
I don't get it... He KNOWS what is going to happen, he KNOWS how weak he is, and yet he doesn't bother training at all? He just wanders around town doing shitty contracts or wasting time while he KNOWS he will be fighting for his life. Is your SI an idiot by any chance?
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