Reviews for Interesting
akaryo chapter 3 . 7/25/2019
I like the whole story!
Thank you!
cupid17 chapter 3 . 6/21/2019
rereading this story again and still love it. and hoping you would still continue this story...
tunapie chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
Codebluez chapter 3 . 12/18/2017
please update soon
cupid17 chapter 3 . 11/17/2017
interesting indeed. update soon!
ginkgo baba chapter 3 . 10/13/2017
looking forward for the next chapter.
dearqy chapter 3 . 10/11/2017
I lost at count of how many I re-read the entire chapters of your fics. I didn't mean to rush you, but I wanna let you know that I look forward to the continuation of this story XD Have a great day!
babyshazam chapter 3 . 10/3/2017
I love this update so much! T_T You wrote it so well, all the canon elements and the extra scenes! They easily fit in and both the thoughts of Aizawa and heart is happy. I love how your mind works and how it translated to this chapter. Well, you know I love you and I hate myself for being this late. But it doesn't diminish how great this chapter was. I hope your laptop recovers soon so we can get the next update!
bakarai chapter 3 . 9/19/2017
please continue the story (ω) I love this story (ω)
because aizawa and shiraishi is my OTP from code blue () I love to read stories that tell my OTP ω
please continue the story till the eng (ω) I will wait for the rest of this story (。﹏。) thankyou ~
summermelon chapter 3 . 9/19/2017
Oh my you're right! That Oh my you're right! That gray sweater looked far too baggy for Shiraishi. She must've borrowed it from somewhere but I doubt it could be Fujikawa's so... Why didn't I get the hint before? I'm so ashamed of myself. And my heart bursted at the line where she thought the sweater smelled like him *screams*
Guest chapter 3 . 9/16/2017
I love this so much you're so awesome! Your writing is both funny and sweet and I really enjoy!
Rae chapter 3 . 9/16/2017
Oh I love this. Your twists and interpretations really fits so well together. Like a reviewer said it really allowed us fangirls to imagine. So glad you updated! Hope to see more soon!
o8cyan chapter 3 . 9/15/2017
Now, I forgive the director for cutting the grey sweater scene. I will use your version in my head to complete the story. Love it...!
Ellie chapter 3 . 9/15/2017
Great chapter, as usual and as expected! The look into Aizawa's thoughts in line with the canon is written soooo very well. I certainly hope drunk!Shiraishi remembers her little confession and follows it up ;)

On another note, Kanade needs to disappear off the screen already.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/15/2017
This is so fantastic, thanks for sharing!
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