Reviews for You are Valuable to Me
Guest chapter 5 . 8/6/2018
Eeee I love this I love this so much! Honestly the moment I saw the homicidal space pirate I fell in love with him, and you’ve captured him so well in this story! It’s outstanding and I can’t wait for the next chapter :D Keep being amazing!
kiwixshoujo chapter 4 . 7/12/2018
Oh my Goooood! I've been waiting a whole year to see this chapter I'm so blessed right now! (I actually read it the moment it was posted but I'm only writing my review now sorry! Which is more fangirling than a real review) Apart from the fact that I was so excited to read it, the chapter was so good I loved every single line of it (and I'm not talking about your writting that I really love by the way, it won't change), I'm just growing more and more attached to Rani's personality and her interactions with Kamui (the whole scene was funny, exciting and interesting it is really well described as always)!
Please continue to update and thank you, I hope we will have the next chapter soon since I will be here to read it 3
Synnocence chapter 3 . 9/28/2017
Well, that got interesting lol. Curious to see what Rani thinks she can do against Kamui... looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/1/2017
Oh my lord, I'm in love with this fic! I really like how you portrayed kamui and I certainly took liking to Rani! I really enjoyed reading this chapter and thanks for making it long. Can't wait till u update!
kiwixshoujo chapter 3 . 8/30/2017
It's me again!
Wow I kind of like where things are going I know for sure it will be entertaining! Since I'm not prude nor a big fan of waiting 30 chapters for the characters to make a move and since it suits Kamui really well (in my mind and expectations still), I like when characters are straighforward and are not prude (because people are not haha). I like Rani too she makes a good partner for Kamui (who is a so much interesting characters in more than one way) in the current situation and it is funny to read their interactions, it REALLY will be fun I can't wait to see what will happen during the weeks to come (even if I begin college next week so I understand too if you don't always have the time to post!). It was worth my wait, which wasn't too long anyway, even more since your chapters are always long, thank you! That DEFINITELY was a great chapter from the begining I'm full! Ah I had to say it but Kamui have some kinks it appears haha it could make a good headcanon at this point I can't imagine the character any other way on this subject, so good job I wasn't expecting the situation to turn this way at least not now xD
(I hope you understand my english sorry again)
kiwixshoujo chapter 2 . 8/9/2017
I already love your story, even if there are only 2 chapters uploaded! It's one of the most original gintama fiction I have actually read (and I read a lot because I am a fan of writing haha) and they are not much about Kamui who is my favorite character of this manga.
Your chapters are long, much to my happiness, and well written in my opinion, since I'm french, so I can't really tell about much more than the good basis. These 2 chapters really picked my interest so I am expecting a lot from your story since Kamui is well written and faithful to his original personality, which is not often the case, and since I really like the girl for now, not often the case either (so I hope you will upload regularly if you have the time to, there are too much good stories without ending). Thanks for the good fiction and please write the next chapter soon (I saw that you uploaded only hours ago not months ago as often, I'm blessed), I'm looking forward to the next issue!

And sorry for the bad english.