Reviews for The Shadow of Voltron
LetsGoGirls chapter 4 . 7/31
Take your time we’ll still be here
Geni Blaze chapter 4 . 7/31
Well glad to see you’re not dead you...dam it’s been a while since I’ve thought up of a pjo themed insult
Puck100 chapter 4 . 7/31
Thank you for not abandoning this. I love it so much! Your writing is amazing and the idea is so unique. I hope you are safe in everything that is going on and don't rush yourself on your writing. I know that life happens.
KawaiiMomoko-chan chapter 4 . 7/31
Don’t worry we all get sidetracked. Take care! And good luck, especially with the art!
Cady-Marionette chapter 4 . 7/31
Take care of yourself first man! I don't mind waiting
Tayyiba13 chapter 4 . 7/31
Looks like this summer is bringing in the people who haven't updated their books for a long time. Anyway, love the book! Can't wait to see what's going to happen next.
creativeusernamejpg chapter 4 . 7/31
Aw hell ya. I don’t care if you upload once a year, just thank you for still uploading.
BubbleBellarina chapter 4 . 7/31
I understand, as a writer myself sometimes you just get so overwhelmed with things and you just can't focus on writing, keeping a schedule helps though! Keep it up! I'll be looking forward for your update!
Guest chapter 4 . 7/31
I've been on this boat for 3 years I'm sure as hell not getting off now, take your time!
Zepheonix chapter 3 . 7/31
I know you're probably getting a lot of these right now, but are you abandoning this story? a small authors note would be nice, to either assure us or tell us of the abandonment, though you don't have too!
alltehgayships chapter 3 . 7/3
Uhhh... it’s been two years... I understand if you want to abandon it, but you DID say that you’d update it...
Butter chapter 3 . 5/28
Dude,,, your writing is godly
Everything-plot, characters, etc- are amazing! Like,, I can't describe it in words,,,,,
I wonder what's gonna happen next and I hope you continue the fanfic. I know you said you would continue, bUt juSt in cases ;00

The last season of Voltron was sorta sucky in my opinion :((
But the fanfic is awesome so far! Keep on writing 3
Asjfk chapter 3 . 4/18
This is so cool! Though, even if you said you would update this story and would not abandon it, I suppose you will not return to it. It HAS been two years since you updated... Please update? It's a cool story, and one of its kind, too, and I would feel sad to have so much potential go to waste.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/22
Oh my gods I need more! Why the cliffhanger why?! Please write more
Anonymous chapter 3 . 2/11
Please write more. Though you probably won't update this after 3 years... but if you see this, please do!
Anyway, it is amazing and has a very good plot. So well done!
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