Reviews for Hallway
Guest chapter 30 . 10/10/2019
Cute story. Thank you
2loveybunnies chapter 30 . 2/4/2019
AWESOME! So glad everything worked out and they lived happily ever after! I was a little worried about Bella being able to conform to love and marriage and kids, but as we see, she's a real pro. Thanks for sharing this story with us!
2loveybunnies chapter 29 . 2/4/2019
I have to say that I completely understand what Edward felt like and I understand that not everyone likes or needs the whole "giant grand romantic gesture" type of proposal. I didn't and I would have hated it if my husband did that to me! So, rest assured I agree that sometimes you just have to ask when it feels right - or you have a spare minute - because not everything is choreographed and
'Instagram" worthy.
2loveybunnies chapter 28 . 2/4/2019
Better to bury the hatchet than have to avoid Alice for eternity. Still doesn't make sense and it irritates me when we are expected to make excuses for people's behavior and just chalk it up to "well, that's just how she is..." Doesn't seem fair, but it's easier to let it go than carry it around.
2loveybunnies chapter 26 . 2/4/2019
So, when did Angela become even more of a bitch? And if Ben and Bella and Edward were such good friends, why weren't they invited to his wedding? Confused a bit...but I guess that's OK. At least Angela found someone but I find it a little sad for her that she obviously still holds some sort of animosity for Edward and Bella. Guess she's really not that happy with Ben!
2loveybunnies chapter 25 . 2/4/2019
I kind of think it was really not very nice of Alice to have caused this rift between herself and Bella - and I don't even really understand why? Why would Alice treat her best friend and former roommate so terribly when it was Edward that Bella hurt, not Alice? Why would you treat your best friend that way for over 2 years? Alice doesn't sound like someone I would want to be friends with and she seems really immature and a little extreme. Hopefully, motherhood will make her see the error or her ways because that's not how I would want to raise my kid to behave.
2loveybunnies chapter 21 . 2/4/2019
I think Bella needs to get her shit together and start living her life without Edward or Alice or the rest of them. Victoria is the only one who has stuck by her, and it seems like Veronica is trying to stir the pot by telling Bella that Edward's trying to get Angela back - which I think is a lie, but if it motivates Bella to move on then so be it.
2loveybunnies chapter 20 . 2/3/2019
Wow, now they're both miserable messes! And Alice is pregnant and not even willing to forgive Bella so that she can share that experience with her best friend? Sounds like Alice has some issues too! Maybe now that Edward knows he could have Bella he's not going to want her anymore? Some guys just love the chase...
2loveybunnies chapter 17 . 2/3/2019
Well, as crappy as the timing is, I understand that it took Bella almost losing Edward permanently to come to the realization that she truly does love him. At least she realized it BEFORE the wedding! Hope he goes home and breaks up with Ang - nicely!
2loveybunnies chapter 16 . 2/3/2019
Sounds like Angela may be questioning things too. Which is a good thing because it sounds like Edward has made a decision and he came home from his bachelor party in Vegas to talk to her! Either he's going to tell her that he didn't need to stay because he missed her so much he couldn't bear to be apart from her - or he's going to do what she was about to do and ask for space... SPACE SPACE SPACE!
Iluvbeinarattler chapter 30 . 12/1/2018
Thanks so much for sharing this story. loved it.
rat19 chapter 18 . 11/18/2018
Wow, I think him getting the ring back is kind of assholish...
rat19 chapter 14 . 11/18/2018
Happy! I was actually rooting for Bella hehe :)
rat19 chapter 10 . 11/18/2018
Jealousy is never a good thing! Can't wait for chapter 15 now!
rat19 chapter 7 . 11/18/2018
I don't think Edward believed her, but am curious if he was intending to make her jealous...
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