Reviews for The Mystery of El Jardín
Katherine chapter 17 . 8/28
Let me just have an amazing fantastic come up with this have a fabulous imagination...Hats off!
itdoesinmyworld chapter 1 . 8/11
debba8 chapter 46 . 7/29
I am on vacation this week from work and read this in two days. This is an unbelievable story. I can't believe that you don't have more reviews. It was a little confusing at times but it was very creative thank you so much for writing it. you are unbelievable author
PreciousJuls chapter 46 . 12/31/2019
What a rude this story was. I loved it all. Don’t change anything. Thank you for this incredible story. Top 10 favorites.
PreciousJuls chapter 39 . 12/29/2019
Not sure what happened at the end with endless and McKenzie and the ghost. Its still very exciting!
PreciousJuls chapter 28 . 12/27/2019
I hope to find out Bella story. Why did Carlisle not know her name and was looking for her? Why hasn’t she talked to her parents since starting college? Why does it say she was born there? Why does she see the future or have such a connection to the island? So many questions! Lol. And what’s going on with Alice?
PreciousJuls chapter 26 . 12/26/2019
I knew Alice was the inside man...woMAN. I hope Leah makes her suffer. Porter and Ro, just so sweet!
PreciousJuls chapter 23 . 12/26/2019
Still loving this story! Glad to see Ro and Peter getting having a moment. Bella is still awesome. I love how she is the leader.
PreciousJuls chapter 12 . 12/23/2019
I thought for sure it was going to kinda like the show Lost.
PreciousJuls chapter 11 . 12/23/2019
I am so loving this story. It’s a fun read and Edward is so cheeky! I feel like Bella is a big part of the plan here. And she never tells anyone that she was hurt by the lion, bit by the snake and her dreams! Bella is the Jane Doe but why does she have a connection to the island. Who voice was in her dreams in chapter one. Saying she will found out soon. So many questions and I love it.
ohsugarhoney chapter 46 . 12/12/2019
best fucking adventure fic i've ever read ok
Jasmine chapter 7 . 11/29/2019
I know your so dumb you actually think the name Jasmine was created by disney, but just so you know, this name existed way before disney did. And since your dumb, i have to explain to you that even in fanfiction, the author should give credit to the original author, and copying the story word by word is not fanfiction, it's plagiarism. BTW, the username you chose for yourself, really does suit you.
btchilanteFF chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
Jasmine chapter 7 . Nov 11
'Now that you stole pixelberrybs endless summer, copied it word by word and just changed the names, you could at least give them credit. This is really low'

Well, Jasmine (whose parent's obviously stole the name from Aladdin. Did they give proper credit? Asking for a friend) let me explain what fanfiction is. It's the borrowing of characters and/or storylines to tell your own story. Now, apps like Choices do not fill in a lot of blanks and that's what the lovely author, who you just insulted, did. She put her heart and soul into making this story consumable to the Twilight fanfic world.
She makes no money off of her endeavors, there is nothing that says we can't copy a storyline from Choices and if you don't like it, don't read it.

Go back to your app and leave the writing to us.

Bye now.
Jasmine chapter 7 . 11/10/2019
Now that you stole pixelberrybs endless summer, copied it word by word and just changed the names, you could at least give them credit. This is really low
GeekMama Bee chapter 13 . 9/17/2019
Woah! That was unexpected!
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