Reviews for King Torrhen and the War for Westeros
Black Magic99 chapter 9 . 12/24/2019
I hope this story is still going. I think this is my new favorite GOT story on the site
ayienne chapter 9 . 9/19/2019
I have read and followed your first story months back and stopped reading halfway through because I thought it was unfinished and didn't want to see the last chapter yet in case I get frustrated that it ended openly. I just now saw it has a sequel and thought maybe you should have the first one edited as completed.

By the way, I like your idea of Torrhen being the one to inherit Winterfell cause there are so few OC Stark that have a nice start and have the OC as the new Warden/King (barring those HP crossover that have Harry reborn as Brandon's child to Ashara) I stumbled upon your story when searching for fics that have the first Torrhen Stark never bending the knee and took a chance.

I love how you are so profound on the details of how long the process is and that you are making the journey to the conquering so filled with events and deaths - I like how you haven't made it easy at all esp with small character or family deaths all over the place. Kudos on making the chapters so long, btw. I also love how you are making small establoshments in the start for some of the future events (ex: The Others, The Children of the Forest, The Three-Eyes Raven) and the humor of the sarcastic comments some make that more or less will probably come true (ex: Reynes arriving in the Westerlands). Your story is one of those fics that you really have to read with focus because if you blink, it's like events have rush past and I find myself missing a few details previously.

I haven't read this sequel yet because I more or less don't read stories that are not yet completed because I only get disappointed when I finish and see how long updates are (or if updates even come); there are only few exceptions to this and I only read incomplete ones if I find the summary or the idea of the story really, really interesting or hilarious. One thing I have to comment though is that halfway in the first book, I started having doubts finishing it because of how I found the arc of the Stepstones dragging and weary (I don't know if you were intentionally doing this to make the reader also feel weary with the war lol). Aside from that, kudos to you and your work! I hope you find inspirations everywhere.

P.S. This is the longest review I have ever given.
O'Neill89 chapter 9 . 5/20/2019
This and the first story is good, I look forward to more.
MoonWolfAtlantis chapter 8 . 1/3/2019
For the Reaper of the Isles make it Yara, but have them be taxed heavily. For Bennard's wolf have him call it Raeyen. Will Verona have a wolf
Guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2019
Such a good idea. So many plot holes and missing chapters. You constantly refer to events you never wrote! Example. Your last story you talked about the Faith attacking the never wrote anything about that, beyond the causle chapter that talks like your readers would have any clue what you ment. Now this! Bad enough figuring out what your trying to say when you do give the info. Impossible when you so often dont.
alec-potter chapter 8 . 1/1/2019
Nice chapter.
Good to have you back.
Freakdogsflare chapter 8 . 12/29/2018
Love the chapter, this may be crazy, but maybe the main standing army of Torrhen can be called Wolf legions. As the Romans had an eagle, so too will the Starks, but it will be a direwolf instead of an eagle. I would also recommend looking at House Leo on Devianart, use their design except have it be gray and black with a direwolf on them instead of a lion.
vincentas1121 chapter 8 . 12/29/2018
Great new chapter! I'm happy that you are going to have more time for this story. I am looking forward to the following chapters and congratulations on getting your bachelor's degree.
yukino76 chapter 7 . 10/26/2018
this is so good waiting for more and thanks for the update
alec-potter chapter 7 . 7/30/2018
Nice chapter. Good to see an update after a long time.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/2/2018
Well i think it would be good/funny idea for Quentyn to become the whore of for example the Martells Householdguard. And in Dorne this would probably even work because they are more open
alec-potter chapter 6 . 5/3/2018
Nice chapter. Good to see an update.
krasni chapter 6 . 5/1/2018
Grat chappter.

I love the fic.

I only hope that Jon Stark has more prominence than in the prequel that barely appears.

a greeting
Freakdogsflare chapter 6 . 4/30/2018
Like I said, allow Yara to keep the Iron Islands, but under supervision, and once she gains the trust of Torrhen she may be a part of his inner circle again, but until then, she will be punished for 6 months or so, she then will be given the Iron Islands, and her own ship, and the greyjoys will be considered a minor ruling house until she proves her loyalty again.
Eriador12345 chapter 6 . 4/21/2018
Your characters are great so keep up the good work. I will be interested to see where you end up taking this.
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