Reviews for Punch Out
jordana60 chapter 1 . 9/18/2018
That was brutal. I thought it was going to be that Rory decided to stay with Jess, and Logan came to fight him, but knowing that Rory actually told Logan she slept with Jess was really disappointing . I'm glad Jess beat the shit out of him!Rory deserves a kick in the ass too!
lucel18 chapter 1 . 5/12/2018
Lol! I sometimes wished this happened in canon. Since there was a Jess and Dean one, there should have been one with Logan too. Lol.
December Jeffries1 chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
That's it.
AJ Granger chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
Jess seems to be the better, more experienced fighter. It really sucks that this hurts him emotionally. Rory was very good at that. I used to be a fan of Rory/Jess as a couple but rewatching the show with the wisdom from age and experience makes me like Jess more, despise Rory, and find more fault with Luke and Lorelai. Liz I want in jail or shot. Great story, great scene and dialogue. Curious to see if you continue this.
COFFEE QUEEN 17 chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
More please.
Droolia chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
Kind of reminds me of Chris and Luke's fight, except way better. I hope you continue with the inevitable showdown between Rory and Logan.
Nancy chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
Too bad that Logan was able to get up and walk away. On a break? Sleeps with MANY girls? Nothing was ever fair when dealing with Logan. Thanks.
Lexi chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
Interesting take on this, glad to see you writing again, my all time favorite is Not Dreaming hope you get some inspiration to update that one.
LC42 chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
So let me get this straight. Its okay for Logan to cheat on Rory cause he the stupid one who blamed those girls who shot their mouths off for hooking up with Logan. Even though he thought they broke up. But its not okay for Rory to cheat o him. What a flippin jackass. So glad Jess din't back off.
jonabelle chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
I needed this.. I'm so tired of how Rory takes advantage of Jess in that episode and he forces himself to go with it. Nicely done.
luvtheheaven chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
This was so compelling and good. Maybe I'm too tired first thing this morning when reading this but at first I was thinking maybe the offer Rory took Jess up on was that Jess wild just attack Logan out of nowhere (given the title and stuff too). Because honestly, I'm not so sure it's in Logan's character to react to finding out Rory cheated in this way. But this story was really fun and compelling till the end just the same and I believed it enough. Lol. I believed especially that because we just don't know what EXACTLY Rory told Logan, maybe Rory acted like Jess was "to blame" rather than her accepting agency for choosing too cheat, and in that case it makes sense Logan would punch Jess AND tell Jess to keep his hands off her in the way he did in this story.

I do wonder how Rory would feel about... Jess revealing that she lied to Logan, that wasn't really part of what she signed up for I'm sure. Lol.

Great story.