Reviews for ONE NORMAL DAY
sweetprincipale chapter 38 . 4/9/2011
Thank you for the beautiful story, the touching ending. Excellent use of symbolism, and the Bard. Much appreciation, Serene!
sweetprincipale chapter 12 . 4/6/2011
I just love this! And seeing so many different sides to Spike, and in such a charming setting! Still savoring, taking a break between chapters, cause I could totally devour all of this in one sitting, completely neglecting anything else I'm supposed to do.
sweetprincipale chapter 5 . 4/6/2011
I'm loving this! Super curious about how it will end, but I don't want to read too fast. I'm savoring it.
spike'smate chapter 38 . 8/10/2010
very very good story
moshikamboshi chapter 4 . 1/27/2008
I love it! X
Direclaw chapter 38 . 3/2/2005
This story gushed fluffyness!
Direclaw chapter 14 . 3/2/2005
There we go! Something happened! Yay, that was way sweet!
Direclaw chapter 13 . 3/2/2005
This story is kind of slow... nothing is happening. I mean your description ROCKS and I love Edna. But this story is really slow. Something needs to happen.
Direclaw chapter 9 . 3/1/2005
Aw! That was soo cute!
Direclaw chapter 3 . 2/28/2005
Wonderful story! I love the Spuffy relationship. I just love fics when Buffy is weak and Spike takes care of her. It really shows how much they care about each other. Have any stories you know like that? E-mail them to me. Your fic by the way is a perfect exaple of Spuffy greatness!
Spikes Bint chapter 14 . 1/12/2004
I loved those three chapters, Buffy finally surrendering to her feelings!
TiCkLeD PiNk89 chapter 38 . 1/3/2004
Oh my gosh. this is my first story i have read in the buffy the vampire slayer genre... and you made it definitely not be my last. I am so in love with this story and your writing style and i am anxious to read more of your writing. I looked at the last publish date and it was 5 months ago, so hopefully there is a sequel by now! you are an incredible author and this story was seriously a work of art.
Mrs Muir chapter 38 . 12/31/2003
Well, I finally finished! Yay! That was a beautiful story, heartwarming and a vacation for the heart. You have definately given them a wonderful place to always have Spuffy. Now, I need to start on the sequel!
Thanks for deciding to write.
cosmo-girl-us chapter 38 . 12/25/2003
This was such an adorable story! Spike was just so sweet and gentle to was really nice to see her happy and relaxed. He made her feel like a kid again with their snowball fight and chasing each other and it's just so cute! Now I'm gonna start reading the sequel!
Mrs Muir chapter 16 . 12/19/2003
Hey, girl, I've finally gotten to Chapter 16. Whoo Hoo great chapter. I have to tell you that I love the scene from I think 14 when he's thinking about not giving up the sense of smell. Breathing in her very gave me chills!
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