Reviews for Come Back To Me Little Brother
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8
Great story
Sallyannerenee chapter 11 . 9/22/2017
Love how you wound this up. Sam finally letting go of his bitterness and accepting the love Dean had for him. And the "family" that both brothers now have.
TweetyRulz chapter 11 . 9/13/2017
Awwwwww That was so sweet! I was wondering when Trace and Shadow would step in to help the brothers. All those years, all that anger, all because of miscommunication. Figures. I like how you tied the story up though. The typical "happily ever after" is a nice dream, and one that the boys needed so bad!
And as I mentioned before, I think it would be cool to do quick one-shots of the other 3 characters, especially since you had them stick around in this fic. Nothing extreme, but something that talks of their past and how they got to know Dean.
Anyway, as always, great job my friend! Keep 'em coming! 3
TweetyRulz chapter 10 . 9/13/2017
I'm not sure who I feel bad for the most. Sam is obviously trying to heal physically while he's reeling from hearing about his dad's death. Dean is suddenly thrown back into the role he hasn't played for years, coping with his own grief and maybe even feeling some guilt over being away from his family for so long. I just want to gather them both up in a hug and tell them everything is going to be OK...
Sallyannerenee chapter 10 . 9/12/2017
Argh, Winchester pride. Seems like Dean wants the relationship fixed, and Sam does too, although he's slow to admit it, but both are fighting pride and fear of rejection. Makes you want to knock their heads together.
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 11 . 9/10/2017
Thoroughly enjoyed this from start to finish, and I'm pleased to see that they started up a business that incorporated all their skills, and they all became a family, with Bobby Bobby often said, that being family didn't always mean being blood glad Sam and Dean got their closeness back, it was funny when Sam soaked Dean with the water balloons, and he ran from Dean, shouting for Nitro to save him!All things come to an end, but this left me happy and pleased for all of job!
DarylDixonFan03 chapter 11 . 9/11/2017
Wonderful ending! You did an amazing job with this story!
lenail125 chapter 11 . 9/11/2017
Awesome ending
Kaneswolf chapter 11 . 9/10/2017
Beautiful, believable ending to an incredible story.
Trucklady53 chapter 11 . 9/10/2017
Those put together wayward souls type of people always make the best families. I am glad they ended up all staying together and what a life they are all living now after all the pain. Bobby is very lucky to have them in his life also. Such a feel good ending. Sorry to see it end but at least it ended on a happy note.
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 11 . 9/10/2017
Sorry to see it end but I loved the way you ended it. So happy for the boys, Bobby, and the team. Excellent as always!
Elliesamdeangirl chapter 10 . 9/8/2017
I'll be sorry when this is finished, as it completely immerses me when I read it.I wonder what Sam's story is, and Dean will have to explain his reasons for didn't they keep in touch for instance, or why didn't Dean let his dad, or even Bobby know where he was, or that he was okay?Sam was still a child when his brother apparently abandoned him, and it's clearly hurt him deeply, Dean will have to reach out as big brother to little brother and try to reconnect, Sammy needs to know Dean is back, and he's not alone.I doubt anyone could make him do what he's told other than Dean, as he's stubborn and determined. I knew Dean would guess about Trace and I wondered why Nitro called Sam "pup". So obvious now!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/6/2017
Oh no. Not ready for it to end. It's been heartwrenching. Ups and downs. Sam's gotta forgive Dean.
EmilyAnnMcGarrett-Winchester chapter 10 . 9/8/2017
Great chapter! I feel for both the boys. They have a long way to go towards healing, mentally and physically. I really love Nitro and she did the best thing giving them the space. Really loving this story!
TweetyRulz chapter 9 . 9/7/2017
Oh wow! I think you've outdone yourself on this one! I can't wait to see how the brothers get past this hurdle!
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