Reviews for The Clone General
Starpottergeek chapter 19 . 6/3
good job with the story cant wait for the next chapter
Starpottergeek chapter 18 . 6/2
good job its nice to see your updating again cant wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2
General Shard should save the Jedi Younglings from Vader.
300th should be mixed, but later defect from the Empire.
Qrs-jg chapter 17 . 3/24
Droids and Clones serving together? Very ingenious
BanzEye chapter 11 . 1/31
Hmm, reminds me of Pong...Krell...
*Rages and says indiscriminate...things for a good few hours*
Ahem...Sorry about that. Anyways, loving the story! Hope you have a lot more.
LewtonSpoons chapter 16 . 1/17
Yo love this story hope it gets updated soon
Halloween Spirit chapter 16 . 9/27/2019
looks like someone has cracked Sovereign and I find it a little strange that the lab that made the 300th clones only had enough for a legions worth. Unless it's more to do with how much more modified they are. All in all glad to see this getting a update.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/1/2019
Make more chapters
CT7567Rules chapter 15 . 12/10/2018
Nice chapter but could you please try for longer chapters.
A Guest chapter 14 . 4/6/2018
I hope tusk's opinion of at least some Jedi changes, so he can be able to differentiate between good Jedi who care for their troops and bad Jedi like krell who deserve what's coming to them.
BraveSeeker3 chapter 14 . 4/5/2018
It's Saleucami, not however you spelled it.

But yay! Kamino! Fives and Echo being promoted to ARC troopers!

BraveSeeker3 chapter 13 . 3/30/2018
It's Wolffe, not Wulf.

And, hmmm. . . I wonder if that lightsaber is Anakin's old one?
BraveSeeker3 chapter 12 . 3/30/2018
Ohhh what's going to happen
BraveSeeker3 chapter 11 . 3/30/2018
He was /almost/ another Krell. . . I seriously wonder how the Umbara arc's gonna go down now with Shard and his boys here.
BraveSeeker3 chapter 10 . 3/30/2018
But the nightmare isn't over, oh no! Not yet!
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