Reviews for Chasing The Light
kimberly gaugh chapter 40 . 8/31
Omg! I just read this story over the past couple of days and I absolutely adored it! I'm not a really a fan of The Flash tv show as I couldn't get into it but this story blew me away! This is what season 3 should've done instead of always having the villain die. It makes for Brilliant and intriguing opportunities like the Caitlin and Savitar relationship that I wasn't expecting to love but you proved me wrong! God, I love them so much and just thank you for writing this for fans and people who are not really familiar with the show. Please write some sequels if you can because I just love these two and you made the Rag Doll sound like such a scary villain who challenged Caitlin and Savitar in all the right ways and their character arcs were amazing. 3
crying mink chapter 40 . 8/7
I see you've got a hater, you're awesome and so is your story.
Guest chapter 39 . 7/11
Guest chapter 30 . 7/11
The he fact that she keeps calling him Barry and she knows it makes him beyond angry then just comping a slower Barry to him just makes no sense to me... since when did savitar become slower than the flash at this point? Just terrible writing
Guest chapter 28 . 7/11
He is Barry’s time remnant but 7years older with much more experience and also all of his experience when he was savitar... did you ever see savitar clumsy like flash? no you didn’t lol just an idiot author lol
Guest chapter 27 . 7/11
He is Barry’s time remnant but 7years older with much more experience and also all of his experience when he was savitar... did you ever see savitar clumsy like flash? no you didn’t lol just an idiot author
Guest chapter 27 . 7/11
The fact that he let Caitlin go behind his back countless of times already and he just folds and lets her? Why make an savitar this much of a joke? TRASHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Guest chapter 25 . 7/11
Dumb mc
Guest chapter 23 . 7/11
He doesn’t have the personality for a Team at ALL but you forced it and forcing it way to much just makes the story worse and worse... just skimming/skipping paragraphs since this is trash
Guest chapter 22 . 7/11
Mc is yet again a JOKE... he’s literally savitar but you have him barley beat Lisa snart or rory lol or even Mist... AWFUL
Guest chapter 21 . 7/10
He’s a joke of an mc
Guest chapter 20 . 7/10
Honestly this savitar is annoying, super nerfed, pathetic, and just boring lol how did someone write a fanfic with 40chapters with this type of Savitar and be happy with themselves? TRASH
Guest chapter 14 . 7/10
He’s savitar sooooo he should be stomping everyone
Guest chapter 40 . 5/13
Awesome story man! I'm a big Savitar fan. Wish cw did more with him. Also bit of a Snowbarry, this combines it all. Hope ya come out with a sequel or something
lollypop18092006 chapter 40 . 4/12
Omg I'm so sad it's overrrr
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