Reviews for Facepalm Springs
Lucy Conan chapter 5 . 6/14
this is absolutely genius! Loved every chapter if it!
Natters chapter 5 . 10/26/2019
Good fic
Rainbow Stevie chapter 5 . 6/26/2018
I tripped over this by accident but it put the most gigantic smile on my face, especially after the angst-heavy state of the fandom lately. Getting a humorous take on Walter's voice that still feels in character is wonderful; I'm going to cherish this one. You have an especially nice way of articulating how some of his grumpier thoughts must appear in his head.

These are absolutely the kind of friends Paige would have had in college and exactly the kind of adults they'd turn out to be, and exactly the kind of people Walter has the least patience for, so I love his valiant if not entirely successful attempts to suffer through for her sake. Everything about this works, from the dialogue to his internal comments to the mix of in-the-moment action vs. recounting of events (and the little aside for their private time, heh. "Science is all in the details" indeed).

I did not expect Paige's freewriting to be so complementary to Walter's, but that reveal was amazing, especially the "I escaped. I learned. I grew" line, and tied everything together so well. And what an aww-worthy ending.
Daniel6 chapter 5 . 11/21/2017
I laughed in every chapter!
lookingforthestars chapter 5 . 8/28/2017
Sorry I suck at reviewing lately buuuuuut I loved this! Ralph being raised by wolves or Drew...yeah, that's a toss up. Walter and Paige's super scientific body part study, I'm wholly supportive. But I really liked Paige's realization of having outgrown her old life. I mean she was a cheerleader sorority girl, and she dated Drew (gag), so I think that does give us an idea of who she used to be. And sometimes you don't realize how different you are until you're around people that you no longer understand. So I definitely related to Paige here and even though this story was mostly about poor Walter, I think it was an interesting way to look at her character too. Thanks for making me smile as always.
Bna1001 chapter 5 . 8/24/2017
This has to be one of the best short stories I've read on here! My highlights of this chapter are: "for the sake of domestic tranquility" and "conclusive..thorough...exhaustive..." Your humor is a great asset in your writing and I definitely leave every chapter with a goofy smile. Paige realizing that she's changed (great bookend by the way!) was a great conclusion and I absolutely adore Walters's last line.
Danada chapter 5 . 8/24/2017
Waige running off together is the cutest thing ever.
I don't think you got enough credit for the clever title to this fic it was the perfect title. Great story.
mama's-broken-heart chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Such a sweet ending! I love Paige's note and that she came to the realization that she had out-grown her college friends.
WeBuiltThePyramids chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
First - I thought that she said "Tuck's not worth the boner" and I was like well this took a surprising turn...

Second - I absolutely LOVE what Paige wrote. This whole fic has been showing how good these two are for each other and the amount of laughing they're doing here just makes me so happy.

Then their talk at the end, ugh it was so profound and sweet and UGH I love Waige and your writing so so much.
Liasonfan75 chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Loved this story, especially the last 2 chapters!
dragonfly42pf chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Paige has one fantastic sense of humor! Cheers for Walter for picking up what he needed to! This story magnified the fact that they really are a perfect match. You wrote this so damned well, incorporating lovely, gut-busting elements of humor. You should be so proud of this story! I had a blast, so thank you!
pamz chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Oh, this was such an awesome ending to an awesome story. I can't even pinpoint what the best part was because it was all 'best parts', although the body part comparisons were hilariously cute.

Thank you for writing this. Can't wait to see what you come up with next (but you know what I'd like it to be, lol).
Bicii chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Yes my dear! Science is details oriented ;)
Ralph being raised by wolves crack me up lol and allowing him to take his computer that's a way to keep him out of trouble hehe
Thank you for your dedication ST, you're one of the best!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/23/2017
Beautifull last chapter thanks for you really nice story
Bna1001 chapter 4 . 8/18/2017
I like how you had Walter relive the cringeworthy (and hilarious) altercation afterwards rather than describe the actual altercation as it happened. Walter tries so hard and it is adorable. I'm glad Paige wasn't angry, he was provoked and basically assaulted after all. I hope Paige realizes that she doesn't exactly fit into the crowd anymore, some people are meant to be in life temporarily while others like Walter are forever. Great chapter!
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