Reviews for Thanks for the Memories
TheEliteLabRatsLover chapter 1 . 3/1
this is so incredibly beautiful. no, seriously. your writing is beyond amazing. your talent is simply stunning, and the way you captured the characters is perfectly captivating. i'm in love with your works.
shewriteswords chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
This is so sweet and heartbreaking! Thank you!
TXKimsonFan chapter 1 . 12/21/2018
I'm just now reading this (while in the process of reading your other fabulous Winchester brothers stories), and my heart is breaking into a bazillionty pieces. This was just so good. So, so, so, so, sooooooo good.
pearlescentgem chapter 1 . 11/16/2018
shit, I'm sitting in the dark, on my bed, crying my fucking eyes out. this was so sad. like, I've got actual treat stains on my shirt
nattiebroskette chapter 1 . 4/3/2018
You legit made me cry. Excellent job.
freetobescary chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Oh my.. Here I am, sitting on my desk at work and trying so hard not to cry like a baby. There is a big ass lump in my throat, a heavy weight in my stomach, and my heart hurts like a bitch. Thank you for making this story feel so real, so damn real to cause me this much pain.
waitingforAslan chapter 1 . 12/18/2017
You made me cry. Love the repeated description of bright and young. It reinforces the horror of what's going to happen.
ncsupnatfan chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
This was a heartbreaker and filled with so much emotion and gut wrenching sorrow. I loved it. NC
SammysGirl42 chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Unforgivable was great, and so is this one. I'm still crying. Keep up the good work.
DeadThingsStayDead chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
This is heartbreakingly beautiful.
I adore the idea and seriously, I shed a couple of tears, although I'm weak like that.
Such a wonderful bond you described between them, and also great interactions.
I loved it, even if it was slightly sudden. I feel like the jump you made, those five months, was a bit too big. The impact is good as it is, but if you had maybe added a snipped from three and two months before the inevitable, it would have, I don't know, allowed us to get more into the story and made us more emotional.

Anyway, again, you did an amazing job!
lina89 chapter 1 . 7/23/2017
This was beyond beautiful. Once again your writing made me emotional. Dean's goodbye was heart wrenching. Thank you for wiring this. Take care xox
reannablue chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
I'm sitting here sobbing. That was beautiful. I just don't quite no how I'm going to explain why ive been crying so hard to my husband should he wake up ;). The tenderness and thoughtfulness that Dean showed his grieving brother was just so moving. Thankyou for sharing your writing.
RocknRollagirl chapter 1 . 7/22/2017
This made me cry. I read so much fanfiction about dean's deal that I didn't even think I could cry about it anymore, but you made it happen;) This is amazingly written and heart-breaking in all the right ways, thanks so much for sharing!
kV8 chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
What a wonderful short story. The perfect balance between heart-wrenching angst and tooth-rooting sweetness. A delightful read, as always. Keep up the good work!
suzee51 chapter 1 . 7/21/2017
Wow! You really know how to make a girl cry, don't you?

The very idea that Sam would at least have all of the vids and pictures that he took but Dean would have only his memories was heart wrenching.

When Dean comes to understand what Sam is doing and turns the camera on Sam? Brilliant! "It's OK. You do what you have to to be OK." A totally Winchester moment - - both comical and tragic.

My favorite part of your story was Dean's farewell message to Sam because it was so spot on Dean that it could have actually been written for an SPN episode. You really captured Dean's wording, tone and actions perfectly. I had to reread that part several times because it was just SO GOOD.

"Memories . . . that's all I get, I guess of you and with you, that's um . . . that's enough for me. So . . . thank you. For making a shitty life worth living. For the memories I get to keep with me forever, when I go." (OK I am really starting to cry at this point!) But then you write: " 'And I guess this is our goodbye, Sammy.' And then he has the tenderest smile on his face, weighed only by a hint of concealed sorrow." (O.M.G. - I am full out bawling now!)

Thank you for this wonderful story. It fills a gap that I didn't even realize that I felt.
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