Reviews for A Raid for the Enemy
Guest chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
Happy Birthday! Every day is a good day if it includes horses. The story was short but sweet. We all know how well Tully suffers. Good job.
tullyfan chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
HAPPY BRTHDAY! I almost skipped by this story, thinking I'd already read it. But I checked the reviews and since there was no review from me, I knew I'd missed it somehow. I like any story where the privates get to play a major role although near the end Tully told Troy that next time Tully would rather do the scouting and let the sgts do the rescuing. (as he was healing with 2 bullets in his lower back (Tully suffers so well). And I like stories that preserve Tully's stoic demeanor (as in the TV series).You have a number of catchy phrases in this story which always impress me - "night seeped its shadows and dyed the RP in inky darkness." That is why I'm not a writer. Try as I may. those words would never appear in any story I'd write. I loved the story and will be reread a number of times in the future.
suzie2b chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
A very enjoyable read. Thank you!
churchlady63 chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Good story! Tullyfan will be happy too. You have a fantastic way of describing things - the jeep treading sand gently; the night seeping shadows and dying the Rats in darkness! Love it. Happy birthday! Can't think of a better way to spend it than with horses. We hope you don't take too long before you grace us with another story - long or short we'll take it.
Brosmom chapter 1 . 7/17/2017
It's a little disjointed, but I enjoyed it. Happy birthday! I envy you the horses. I miss mine. I was never brave enough for polo though. Trail riding was exciting enough for me. Have fun