Reviews for Forgotten Past
camagassi72 chapter 5 . 8/4/2019
Again pretty interesting but despite maigc can ignore the rules and laws of the universe in the it follows the same law of alchemy all things comes with a price so and still both require a use and understanding of the natural yet supernatural energies around u and. So alchemist and wizards are not so far from each other.
camagassi72 chapter 4 . 8/4/2019
Ok this story is interesting i look forward to see if u have a good take on magic and alchemy cause in the end they both come from the same place where alchemy is more rigid and science base it and magic is the same energy being used. Just magic has more use of belief . But theyre both require the personal spiritual energy of the individual combine with natures owncto manifest and manipulate like chakra. Just with alchemy most users dont channel it completely through themselves but with a symbol.
FairySinGirl chapter 7 . 8/27/2018
Interesting, I'm gonna read the sequel now. :)
FairySinGirl chapter 6 . 8/27/2018
Poor Zeref, I hope he doesn't end up completely losing hope while he's waiting for Natsu. Mavis still wouldn't want him to lose hope.
FairySinGirl chapter 5 . 8/27/2018
Aww, Truth erased their memories of Zeref as part of their punishment too? That almost made me cry. Wait, but what about Mavis? Truth may have taken their memories of Zeref, but that didn't include Mavis too did it? Poor Zeref, now he'll be all alone again. :(
FairySinGirl chapter 4 . 8/26/2018
I'm glad Winry's starting to understand Zeref's curse now. Lol! And that was funny how Ed called Mavis short, and then she called him short in return and he got angry and tried to punch her despite her being only an illusion of herself. And I like how Al's magic is illusions like what Mavis can do, which makes sense considering he's more gentle than Ed.
Oh yeah, and also Ed and Al aren't the same age just so you know. Al's a year younger, so if Ed is 12 now then Al would be 11. Just thought I'd point that out. ;)
FairySinGirl chapter 3 . 8/26/2018
I hope Zeref does help them find a way to make up for making Winry mad at them. And I like how they were trying to convince him that dying isn't the way to go about ending his curse.
FairySinGirl chapter 2 . 8/26/2018
Poor Winry. I don't blame her for being scared, she just doesn't know anything about Zeref or understand his curse. And I don't blame Ed for being angry at Zeref afterwards, because both he and Al care about Winry. I wonder if Ed and Al will apologize to her later and explain to her about Zeref.
Anyway, I like Ed's earth magic that he's starting to develop. I wonder what Al's kind of magic will end up being.
FairySinGirl chapter 1 . 8/26/2018
I like how Zeref saved Ed and Al from committing their human transmutation to bring their mom back. I wonder how the brothers are gonna help free Zeref from his curse.
Wanderstar chapter 7 . 11/6/2017
Anju Makaa chapter 6 . 11/1/2017
This is really good. I kinda wish there was a sequel that went on after the Brothers got their bodies back if they had gotten their Memories Back as well.
Guest chapter 6 . 9/30/2017
I had been curious about how Zeref teaching Ed and Al would turn out, and you really surprised me there with that development. I knew it wouldn't end well, since this was labelled with tragedy, but damn...I had such hopes for them! It's amazing how you managed to put these two worlds together and still make them canon-compliant (in a sense). Also, I love how you've written all these characters. Zeref especially is a challenging one, but you did a great job balancing his compassion and his darker side. This story is very well done and I've enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for the read!
Sup chapter 6 . 9/28/2017
You should continue this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2017
I just had the wonderful idea of Myra Artemyra meeting Olivier Armstrong, and Izumi! That would be so badass (especially if Myra was AoS age and could be taught lessons) if she learned to value all genders? Or something like that?! Sig and Izumi would be a wonderful battle couple
Neema Amiry chapter 6 . 9/5/2017
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