Reviews for The Vampire's Rosary: Love at First Bite
Guest chapter 1 . 9h
Really good chapter I am really excited to read more I had read your confession and a vampire but I haven't really heard much recently about you writing so I am very excited to read another story your writing thanks for the fun stories
TazalTerminals chapter 14 . 8/17
Man. I got so used to seeing Ruby on RWBY that for a few moments, I was picturing her instead of the witch Ruby.

Also a nice and sweet chapter this one. Nice :D

Btw, is it me or did the blood moon part remind me a bit of something that happens to werewolves? In some details I mean. Maybe I am looking too deep into it lol.

Anyway, good work on the update. :)
watersonic1v2 chapter 10 . 8/17
Hmm, so did they or did they not get rickrolled?
GunBlade2020 chapter 14 . 8/14
Hi there

I was waiting when you will update this story, I needed my fill of fluffy goodness from our favorite vampire couple!

Anyway, keep up the great writing and stay safe!
Burke23 chapter 14 . 8/13
Moka and Tsukune are SO CUTE!

How do you know so much about Japanese culture?

There is so much sexual tension here you can cut it with a knife

I love reading these!
NataS666 chapter 14 . 8/12
Damn. I started reading this, like 12hours ago? Then I had to stop, because I had to go do some work. Then came back and couldn't handle the fluff. Fakin hell dear Author... You... you... you made a fluffiest story I've ever read. I just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
So yea... After an hour or so, I continued onwards... and the same thing happened... My heart can't handle the cuteness and fluffiness at this level...

Then I decided to reread your story and that was my biggest mistake today. Cuteness overload. Literally.

And now... Finally... After long and agonizing 4hours of rereading it... It was pure torture. You know the feeling when you see your pet doing something cute and you take them to your hands, and just want to hgu them so strong that YOU know that it will hurt them? Yup. All this time. Rereading this story and then finally new chapter... I had that freaking feeling. Faaaaaaaack!

On the more serious note. Well done. Seriously. I come here, most of the time, to read something cute/interesting. To make my day better. And you, my dear author... Put a smile to my face. I am smiling like an idiot right now lol. It's just THAT good.

Really liked your idea about the super blood moon. That's really unique.

Im sorry to say, that I just can't think of anything interesting myself. I can just make some sort of suggestions.

What would you think of creating a silly and not serious misunderstanding between them? And then have them( one of them, or both) realise that it was a mistake(with or without someones help) and then they make up? I don't know, put some silly and NOT serious drama? Because lets be serious if it was something more serious, I don't know if I could handle that. And I don't know if I should be proud of that or embarrassed xD

Thank you for your hard work!

Im sorry that that fkin virus messed up your schedule and plans! I hope it will pass soon and you will be able to do what you like!
Ariadne Venegas chapter 14 . 8/12
Ohh in the end was really fluffy I thought she would going to jump him!
I like it!

I hope they complete their bond before the fairy tale part of the plot, I think they will need it.

I’m sorry about your cosplaying maybe you can share with us some of your work? At least it make me happy that I could assist at my only comic con ever and maybe the only one. Because I live in Chile, so I would never going to be in San Diego, so I’m grateful for the experience. Here there are little conventions but we will never going to get the same. In here anime and manga are really a thing I grew up with both cartoons and anime
Uday Sra chapter 14 . 8/12
BatmanRules256 chapter 14 . 8/11
Such a great chapter. When she mentioned him having a nosebleed, I got a funny image of her intentionally causing it to use it like a drinking fountain.
jd1092 chapter 14 . 8/11
Ohhh dang they getting closer to the ACT lol. Well it's bound to happen when their love is unbreakable
jaajtakua chapter 14 . 8/11
Damn, long time no see.
Nice chapter
NataS666 chapter 13 . 7/26
Really interesting story!
Dr.J SoulInfinite X31 chapter 1 . 5/24
good story!
Ariadne Venegas chapter 13 . 4/20
I really like your fic!
I like the new Tsukune very much!
I’m happy that Rubi was rescued by the headmaster instead of that monster
And I love the oc Ryu! What will you do for Kurumu?

I hope you can update now that must stay at home more, maybe bored outside your mind can you give us another chapter?

I went to your page and I love your beetlejuice!
Tilty.bbb chapter 13 . 3/25
This was a fantastic read well done
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