Reviews for The Path in the Dark
7kstar chapter 20 . 3/22
Darn, I've caught up and now I'm left hanging. Enjoying Arthur and Merlin even if he can't really help out. I do hope Merlin figures out soon that she is not someone he should trust.

Hope you update soon.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/27
OechsnerC chapter 20 . 2/29
Awesome update
ladopa chapter 20 . 2/29
I'm really loving your story. Thank you for the update.
I like how you've written the OCs and I'm not usually a fan but they're well rounded and fit well in the Merlin verse. Merlin is very well written, I love when someone goes the immortal route with him, so I like how he looks 20 but is actually very much not.
I look forward to what happens next time and if they'll find out how truly powerful Merlin is. Thank you for the lovely read. :)
Gingeraffealene chapter 20 . 2/27
Ah dang. Poor Merlin.
That witchy woman needs to bite the dust and have all those dolls go up in flames too. She’s nasty!
So glad to see an update! Love this story! Thanks!
Guest chapter 19 . 1/13
Hi it’s been a long time I hope all is well and I’m excited for more chapters
Guest chapter 19 . 9/8/2019
This chapter is amazing
Guest chapter 19 . 8/20/2019
Excellent writing.
Guest chapter 18 . 8/20/2019
I love the dry humour.
Guest chapter 17 . 8/20/2019
It would be painful for Arthur if Gwen knew. He could never be fully with her.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/20/2019
Ahh. Morgause's cult followers. I had guessed Morgause's.
Guest chapter 15 . 8/20/2019
ArthUr has powers as a ghost now. Too funny.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/20/2019
Ah Merlin. Gwen deserves to know.
Guest chapter 13 . 8/20/2019
Oops. I knew that would happen. Merlin was never meticulous about details.
Guest chapter 12 . 8/20/2019
I'm so happy he's appeared.
Gwen is going to be so angry if she finds out.
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