Reviews for Ghost Rain
sprinkled clean chapter 1 . 7/23/2018
I just love the metaphor usage. Totally enjoyed reading this one after re-viewing the film
Sylarfan chapter 1 . 1/25/2013
Aw, I loved this. I'm about to read another!
PristinelyUngifted chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
Some absolutely brilliant lines in here. I'm tittering to myself! Also, very good portrayal of drunkeness. Lots of authors have trouble doing it convincingly.
Dimac99 chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Wonderful - loved it. Felt like you captured Rick's voice perfectly.
Cheann de na thit chapter 1 . 8/15/2009
very nice, I like O'Connel's commentary throughout, very amusing and adds a little more depth into it. I also love the idea of ghost rain, a great description. Nice fic :)

Arthur chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
Oh, ohh! What an incredible jewel to read! This was even more lovely than the last one I had read (but both share the same brilliance).

This one is my favorite! I hope you can write more fics like this one! Although from the looks of it, it seems that you haven't updated in over three years :( I sincerely, dearly hope that you are still writing! You are an amazing, heart-felt author!
bethyboomarch2 chapter 1 . 12/25/2008
Haha, that was pretty really are a fantastic writer! Hope you keep on writing like nobody's business;D

Love and Hugs!

Loriot chapter 1 . 9/1/2008
I loved this! Absolutely perfect. :D
Quazie89 chapter 1 . 8/7/2008
This was a really fun story to read. It had me grinning like a idiot. Good job!
there wont be a sequel chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
Ahh, I'm smiling like an idiot again! I loved this! Awesome filler for one of my favorite scenes. :) You're spot on with the characterization. .


Ella chapter 1 . 6/24/2008
Gyahh! This is absolutely WUNDERFUL! Wunderful, Wonderful, Wunderful! You are amazingly spectacular at keeping everyone in character D I love you for it! Thank you so much for writing such a delightful fic!
Exhilian chapter 1 . 11/11/2007
I JUST watched The Mummy (again, for the fifth time xP) and when I came to this scene, I totally fell in love with it! I used to have another favorite scene, but now whenever I watch this part in The Mummy, it's totally my first favorite! Heehee! I love how you delved into their deeper thoughts and revealing their personas! Thank you for writing this! I really love Rick's character moreso than ever )
eBooeBoo chapter 1 . 10/19/2007
Oh...this is so wonderful...even after watching the Mummy (one of my favorite movies of all time _) for the 500th rerun, this scene doesn't bore me a bit. You wrote it so well! I've fallen in love with your Rick (and Evie) _ I hope you write more!
Nightarcher210 chapter 1 . 6/12/2007
I read this story on a recommendation, and man am I glad I found that recommendation. This was beautiful. I loved every minute of it. You captured the moment perfectly. All the little details, like Rick's tattoo, and Evelyn's "Ohs."

And the ending was rather bittersweet, but oh so satisfying.
bloodytear89 chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
This story was cute, I like how you changed it up a bit.

"And unlike your brother, miss... you, I just don't get."

She nodded. "I know. You're wondering... what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?"

Right. "Something like that."

I LOVE those lines, just thought I'd let you know. Made me laugh when I watched it.
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