Reviews for Sudden Love Story Eng
Harry Potter 223 chapter 1 . 5/20
Ohhhh baby, everyone but you and Victor didn't know you are going to get married
Starry-sky12 chapter 14 . 4/29/2019
This was a great fic :D. I hope I'm the future there will be a sequel!
RackleRosie44 chapter 14 . 4/16/2019
I really liked the story and I hope you write a sequel.
That1-fan-girl-yea chapter 12 . 9/9/2018
What an amazing chapter. Just perfect
MissMJS chapter 11 . 8/5/2018
WAAAHHHH! My fluffy boys! :D
rebecahl97 chapter 8 . 5/8/2018
Victor is upset!I wonder what his "friends" said; It probably has something to do with Yuuri or something against same sex couples

btw! are we ever going yo see jealous Victor ?(I want to see that so much!)

Thanks for this chapter :D
That1-fan-girl-yea chapter 8 . 5/1/2018
So amazing fanfic! Can't wait for next chapter. Btw I doesn't really notice that your English is not as good as others, maybe some grammar mistakes, but come on grammar is stupid nobody can find out of it! Love your work, keep going so I can read some more
MissMJS chapter 8 . 4/27/2018
Oh ho? I wonder what’s got Vic all riled up?
Victor is now aware! Now, it’s only a matter of time before Victuuri takes form! BWAHAHAHA!
Lovely chapters!
MissMJS chapter 6 . 2/18/2018
Ooop! They had a moment! THEY HAD A MOMENT! :D
Love this story :}
midnightsky0612 chapter 6 . 2/18/2018
Good old Victor never ceases to surprise him
MissMJS chapter 5 . 1/22/2018
Victor is so oblivious! It’s adorable! I have a feeling I’m going to laugh my ass off the moment he stops seeing Yuuri as a kid...
midnightsky0612 chapter 5 . 1/22/2018
Oh Victor ur in love with yuuri
MissMJS chapter 4 . 1/20/2018
Aww, poor Yuuri! Can I tackle him with a hug like Victor did? At least he has Phichit, that darling goofball!
midnightsky0612 chapter 4 . 1/20/2018
Oh Victor u have to realize u love yuuri
ArtemisNakajima chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Hahaha this makes me laugh because Yuuri acts like a 10 year old when he's supposed to be MY age! Don't get me wrong; I love the story! And honestly, Yurio? Defo doesn't act 15 in the show! Hahaha keep writing I agree with Squidney325!
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